March 16th, 2025

Senate marijuana report promoted racism

By Letter to the Editor on May 9, 2018.

Re: “Reserves not ready for legal pot: Senate,” May 2

Can someone please explain to me why the Canadian government and the Senate in particular is promoting racism in 2018?

Marijuana legalization and the July 1 date seem to be up in the air due to concerns from various groups. One of which is the Canadian Real Estate Association? Excuse me if I don’t hold that group’s ethics, morals and principles in high esteem.

But back to the “race” issue.

The May 2 article has the Senate using the terms “First Nations,” “Aboriginal People” and “Indigenous communities” pretty much interchangably. Are not all these terms defined by race?

I’m sure that you have to be pretty smart to be appointed to the Canadian Senate so if it is OK for these esteemed people to espouse the race card in making or changing laws why is it so frowned upon for the other 30 million or so Canadians to factor in “race” in our thinking and actions?

I see a disconnect here.

So, is there really such a thing as “good racism” where a certain race of people get to acquire rights and benefits denied to other races and “bad, or at least not-good racism” where rights and benefits are denied to those same people?

As I read the obits in this paper every morning I do realize that I am quickly becoming a “minority” in Canada so I guess that I am not totally opposed to special rights for minorities that I am quickly becoming a part of. Just kidding, sort of?

Keith Pearce

Medicine Hat

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