March 16th, 2025

Consider what comes after

By Letter to the Editor on May 9, 2018.

First let me say that abortion is not health care. Of course there are rare exceptions as for example in tubal pregnancy in which both the lives of the mother and unborn baby is at risk.

Very important are the consequences of abortion for the unborn. Obviously the unborn life, at whatever stage, is put to death — the most innocent and defenseless of all life. The womb which was once considered the safest place in the world is now the most dangerous!

So is the mother now free?

Before any abortion is considered every woman ought to be informed that there are serious, even fatal, consequences after an induced abortion. I reveal them to you:

1. More than 57 worldwide studies showed that induced abortion is linked to breast cancer. China looked at 36 regions across China and found a 44 per cent risk after one abortion.

2. More than 140 studies from 34 countries show an increased risk in cervical damage after an induced abortion, causing premature births in subsequent pregnancies. These wanted children may suffer a lifetime of serious health problems and early death.

3. Between 1995 and 2009, 877,181 women revealed higher rates of mental health problems associated with abortion.

4. Depression resulting from induced abortion has led a number of women to suicide. Imagine after an abortion you realize, “I have killed my baby!” Imagine the horror of that!

Carol Everett, who ran an abortion clinic, decided she would have an abortion with the best of care and was put to sleep for it. She told me, when I had her come to speak in Medicine Hat some years ago that the moment she woke up she realized she had killed my baby! Two other women I know, one personally, both realized they had killed their babies. Another woman told me, if she’d only known she’d never have had an abortion.

The guilt that follows is unbearable but take heart that there is a way of total forgiveness. God in His great mercy and love has made a way for all of us to be totally forgiven and set free. Listen the Lord Jesus Christ, who is God the Son, he paid the price on the cruel cross giving His life for all our sin. We receive this priceless gift of forgiveness when we confess our sins to Him and tell Him we are truly sorry and want to live lives pleasing to Him. You can ask Him right where you are, you don’t need to see a priest or pastor to confess your sin; you don’t need to repeat endless prayers nor seek to make any work to receive His forgiveness total and complete.

There is a Pregnancy support centre in town which can help and I myself will gladly help anyone to experience the forgiveness and love of God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Rev. Canon Ivor Ottrey.

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
6 years ago

No mention of women who have been raped and don’t want to raise a child from that encounter. No mention of a single mother who can’t afford another mouth to feed, or a women living on the streets who has no way of looking after a child properly. There is a lot more to it than just killing a child, which we all know is sad. Place your feet in their shoes.