March 16th, 2025

Rule of law only applicable when it’s convenient

By Letter to the Editor on April 28, 2018.

Rachel Notley, Justin Trudeau, and Kinder Morgan, to get the pipeline built, state that Canada is a country of laws which we must follow. But only you and me. For them the laws don’t matter. Really, what happens to politicians who break the law? They just get moved to another position. That’s convenience.

Kinder Morgan, an American-based oil company, does not have the right to sidestep the rights and laws of millions of Canadians. Especially since Kinder Morgan has stated its best interests are for its shareholders.

Democratic law is based upon the right of citizens to determine the direction of their country and politicians are hired to represent these wishes. When elected representatives, our employees, arbitrarily make decisions against us it violates constitutional rights, especially ones concerning safety and security. Corporations and politicians believe it’s OK to cherry-pick behind closed doors when it suits them but laws encompass everyone, no matter what they think. They believe they can disregard the fact that the people in a democracy are its true leaders.

So we have to keep speaking. There is no other choice.

Keith Guthmiller

Medicine Hat

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