March 16th, 2025

Notley creates trade war to cover blown opportunity

By Letter to the Editor on April 19, 2018.

When the NDP took power in Alberta Rachel Notley was presented with a wonderful opportunity to move Alberta away from the whimsies of the oil sector. She was given the ability to turn Alberta into a technological and industrial powerhouse, a province that would have made all Canadians, especially Albertans, very proud.

But no, she flailed about and squandered the opportunity. So she’s decided to take the low road instead.

In an effort to cover her mistakes she has created a trade war, harming both Alberta and B.C. Trade wars don’t create jobs, they destroy them, and that is why Notley and the NDP won’t survive the next election. And no matter how she tries to spin it, British Columbians don’t hate Albertans. After all both provinces are in this together and we know it. We dislike Notley because she thinks it’s OK to hurt others for her own personal gain. Albertans and British Columbians aren’t stupid.

So once she loses the election what is she going to do? She can’t move back to Vancouver.

Oh wait, Kinder Morgan might be hiring…

Keith Guthmiller

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
6 years ago

Got to love the ignorance of these fellow seniors. They allowed Klein, Stelmach, and Redford to give away our oil wealth , along with huge tax breaks to their rich friends putting this province in financial ruin, over a 25 year period and they expect Notley to correct everything in two years.

Maybe Keith would like to explain what our previous governments did to help us get our oil to market besides nothing while they helped the foreign investors screw us out of our wealth? Like Kenney is promising to continue to do, while he forces a privatized health care system down our throats.

The fact is Alberta is changing under Notley, for the good, Devon Alberta now has all their street lights on solar power, and their Recreation center, so maybe Keith should keep his ignorance to himself and let her do her work, we know she is a lot more like the Peter Lougheed we proudly supported , she doesn’t let anyone kick her around.

mr black
mr black
6 years ago

So Mr Guthmiller, you say Rachel Notley he was given the ability to turn Alberta into a technological and industrial powerhouse? How’s that now? There’s only two ways to move Alberta towards “technological and industrial leadership” and that is through investment or taxes, neither is happening in Alberta at this time.

When clearly provinces like BC, that think they can have their cake and eat it too are hampering any type of investment in Alberta and raising taxes would be political suicide. Clearly Mr Guthmiller, you are blinded in believing Rachel Notley started a trade war or would personally gain from it had she. Rachel Notley is doing exactly what 100% of all politicians would/should do if confronted with a ill gotten leadership as BC’s government has demonstrated.

Whether Rachel Notley survives the next election is a mute point. Having leadership as she has shown, is key in defending Alberta’s opportunities. Let’s just hope that if the Cons are back in power next election, they have the same fortitude as Rachel Notley has shown.