March 15th, 2025

Letter a welcome change

By Letter to the Editor on April 2, 2018.

Re: “NDP fixing an inherited mess,” March 27

Many thanks to Alan Spiller for his letter to the editor last week. It was a refreshing and Intelligent read. We are so tired of the usual NDP bashing and one-sided propaganda.

Jean Gray

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
6 years ago

Thanks Jean for your kind words. My senior friends and I are sick and tired of listening to these ignorant seniors who believe that anyone who attaches the word conservative to their name is their hero and call those of us who don’t share their ignorance names. We certainly know what their hero Ralph Klein did to us. He almost killed my father with his health care cuts. Our family had known him and his family since the 1960s’ and he always bragged about being a Liberal, and continued to do so as mayor of Calgary.The history books prove it.

When Klein was campaigning to become premier his mother Flo told my mother that she was concerned that he wasn’t capable of running this province properly. Mum told her we all shared her concerns and none of us had any intention of supporting him, we didn’t and many of our friends didn’t either. Flo wasn’t surprised. Then when Klein began ramming through his destructive policies his father Phil, living in Edmonton, began voicing his concerns. He was furious with what his son was doing to the province. Then before the last election Klein’s daughter Angie urged all Albertans to support the NDP. She knew what these so-called conservatives had done to us. In other words Klein’s own family members were a lot smarter than the people who supported him.

There is no question that what Kenney is promising will make things a lot worse for us seniors, and these fools apparently aren’t smart enough to understand it, or don’t care. Kenney has made it crystal clear that he fully intends to keep looking after his rich friends by not increasing taxes or royalties, while Norway and Alaska collect huge amounts for their chiildrens’ future. He doesn’t have any intention of getting us out of this mess he helped put us in. As a friend says it’s up to us to make certain these fools don’t put us back into a worse mess than Klein, Stelmach and Redford created for us they’re dumb enough to do it. Let’s make certain we let our feelings be known especially to the young people. I have had some of them tell me that they think that we are all to blame for the mess we are in because we are seniors and it’s seniors who they hear praising Klein and are supporting Kenney.

Thanks again Jean
Alan K. Spiller