March 15th, 2025

Deck stacked against rural folk

By Letter to the Editor on April 2, 2018.

In southern Alberta, the Ministry of Alberta Environment (AEP) has arbitrarily cancelled a number of water licenses that have been in effect for generations. The sudden cancellation jeopardizes the agricultural operations that relied on those water licenses. In one particular example, on the pretext that a rancher’s nearly two-decade-old license was not complete, the AEP revoked his water license. The Environmental Appeals Board has refused to hear the rancher’s case on the premise it would be too time consuming.

West of Rimbey, AltaLink trespassed onto a rancher’s property and cut down approximately 3.1 acres of sheltered trees. This fact is not in dispute. AltaLink has never compensated the rancher for the trespass or the trees, because the Surface Rights Board ruled that the rancher still had ample trees on his property to shelter his cattle. The Surface Rights Board further ruled, the loss (unlawful clearing) of trees is offset by the increase in a newly created grazing area. Thus the rancher is not entitled to damages.

It is unconscionable for the Surface Rights Board to think it can decide how a small business (family farm) should distribute its assets. I can’t imagine a judge in a criminal case telling a victim of arson, the damage sustained by their barn burning down has been offset by the increased panoramic view. It is equally preposterous for the Environmental Appeals Board to refuse to hear an appeal for a water license. It’s their job!

The common thread between these two examples is the absence of due process. Since the PC government derailed property rights a number of years ago, the NDP government has shown it itself to be equally unwilling to hear the concerns of rural property owners. The NDP is now responsible for these PC created judicial boards. They own these decisions. As for the newly created United Conservative Party (UCP), only their leader has been elected to the legislature. The former PC and Wildrose, now UCP, MLAs have only shown they are willing to do and say whatever is required to get re-elected. This self-serving attitude created this problem in the first place!

Bureaucratic abuse of rural businesses and property owners continues unabated. Notwithstanding a cost prohibiting-lawsuit, there appears to no judicial process in place to balance the rights of rural citizens against the abuses of industry and bureaucrats. The deck is stacked against family farms and rural property owners. We need change!

Joe Anglin

Rimbey, Alta.

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