March 11th, 2025

NDP fixing an inherited mess

By Letter to the Editor on March 28, 2018.

Re: “Tax-and-spend socialist job creation at work,” March 22

My circle of friends and I are all seniors and were all long-time conservative supporters who stopped supporting them when Klein came on the scene. We all supported the NDP in the last election to put a stop to the horrific mess we were being forced into, concerned for our childrens’ and grandchildrens’ future.

Now we are watching the sport of NDP bashing that many of our fellow seniors are carrying out. Mike Somerville is the latest one in Medicine Hat to do so.

What is so upsetting to us is the fact they go around bragging about what great conservatives they are, yet support anyone who attaches the word conservative to their name and believe every lie they feed them, totally ignorant of the person’s background.

If it wasn’t bad enough that they supported Ralph Klein, who always bragged about being a Liberal, and helped him destroy what Lougheed created for us, now they have jumped on board the Jason Kenney bandwagon, totally ignorant of the fact that he is another former Liberal. Kenney was assistant to Ralph Goodale, Justin Trudeau’s right-hand man Ralph Goodale’s in the Liberal Party in Regina. He came to Alberta to join the Preston Manning’s and Stephen Harper’s Reform Party movement and as any true conservative knows there is a huge difference between a true conservative and a Reformer. In other words Kenney has never been a true conservative and in true Reformer fashion he is promising to make the lives of us seniors a living hell. He claims that we don’t have a revenue problem but do have a spending problem, which is a lie, and he’s going to fix it by slashing billions off government spending and dumping the costs onto the backs of the people, like his hero Ralph Klein did with a lot more privatization. Doctors warn us that seniors had better be ware if you don’t want to find yourselves lining up at the food banks.

I can assure you we do have a revenue problem, as those of us who are from the world of finance know, and Norway and Alaska are proving it. We certainly aren’t going to forget how much better off we were when Lougheed and Getty were collecting proper royalties and taxes and running this province properly. We know the NDP are doing a good job as the article “MHC lauds ‘exceptional’ Alberta budget” in March 24 issue of this newspaper proves. They are definitely trying to help as many Albertans as possible, which Klein, Stelmach and Redford never did. We know they have no choice but to take us into further debt to try to fix the mess they inherited and we know that if they can get us back up to the Lougheed royalty and tax levels this debt can be repaid very quickly.

So maybe Mike and his friends should keep their sarcastic comments to themselves and stop bashing the NDP government that the true conservatives elected. We aren’t interested in helping you support another Liberal.

Alan K. Spiller


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