March 15th, 2025

Make time for the Rotary Music Festival

By Letter to the Editor on March 7, 2018.

Sunday I had the distinct pleasure of listening to some very accomplished young singers at the start of the 63rd Annual Rotary Music Festival.

The day’s entertainment reminded me of a video clip that a friend had recently sent me. It showed an experiment by The Washington Post which arranged for the renowned violinist, Joshua Bell, to play in a New York subway station. While people would pay $145 and up to hear the virtuoso perform at a sold-out concert at Carnegie Hall, only a handful of the 1,000-plus passersby stopped to listen to Bell in the subway.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind Medicine Hatters that the young folks who sing to sold-out houses in high school musicals and productions at the Esplanade and MHMT Playhouse are now performing at the Rotary Music Festival, for free!

Medicine Hat has amazing talent — voice, piano, strings, brass and speech. Over the years I’ve gone to the Rotary Music Festival, I’ve seen young people go from here to provincial, national and even international acclaim.

I would encourage all Hatters to attend over the next two weeks.

Paul Nederveen

Medicine Hat

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