March 15th, 2025

Perplexed by continuing pipeline dispute

By Letter to the Editor on February 28, 2018.

I am perplexed by the Alberta-B.C. pipeline dispute being allowed to continue. The Canadian government approved this pipeline months ago, and they are still consulting with the two provinces. Consultations were completed before the decision was made, and now it is time for them to enforce their decision. Why are they still consulting — because of a few Liberal seats in B.C.? Consulting only goes so far, then a decision must be enforced.

Secondly, do politicians of all stripes not realize that transporting oil by pipeline is much more efficient and safe than transporting by rail. Have they not considered the cleanup required from a major train derailment? The oil will be transported one way or the other. The issue is not if, but how — in the safest and most economical way or not.

Thirdly, I am also perplexed by the lack of vocal public support from other provinces who also will benefit greatly from a pipeline. Not all the steel and labor for the project will come from Alberta. Getting a higher price for our oil benefits all of Canada. Where are their voices? This project will not only benefit Alberta, but all of Canada, including B.C. The federal government allowed one or two provinces to stop the Trans-Canada pipeline, and now we are in danger of it happening again.

Fourthly, it seems to me that this issue (along with the Trans-Canada pipeline issue) are tearing at the very root of our federation. It is akin to parents abrogating their responsibility and letting some of the children make family decisions which is disastrous for family life. It may also prove to be disastrous for Canada. Let the Canadian government make a decision (after sufficient study and consultation of course) and stick with it. The rest of us will learn to live with it.

One last, not completely irrelevant question. Why are we not spending the billions of dollars for pipelines on local refineries?

Leroy Angle

Medicine Hat

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