March 15th, 2025

Column a ‘misstatement of facts’

By Letter to the Editor on February 9, 2018.

Re: “So sorry, but I am not sorry,” Jan. 22

I read Mr. McLennan’s column and want to point out a few “facts.”

Mr. McLennan’s sense of self-importance is not buttressed by law. I could not find any reference to his “comfort” in Canadian law but can find many dealing with equal treatment and equal rights for all people.

Mr. McLennan’s ignorance of the law is again demonstrated in his assertion that Omar Khadr is a murderer. This is a lie, not an opinion. Khadr was an indoctrinated 15-year- old captured on the battlefield by the Americans and charged with “murder” in direct contravention of the Geneva Convention.

The Supreme Court of Canada has said Mr. Khadr’s rights were abrogated and I have no intention of substituting the decisions of the Supreme Court for the misstatements offered by McLennan.

I am not sure why McLennan points out his background in law enforcement and then demonstrates his complete ignorance and disrespect for our laws and our courts. His invective isn’t opinion at all, it is simply ignorance and a bloated sense of self-importance. Calling it “opinion” is just another misstatement of fact.

David Latimer

Medicine Hat

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