March 15th, 2025

No action by NDP on AISH, disability reviews

By Letter to the Editor on January 25, 2018.

On Jan. 19, the government announced it will be doing a review of the province’s disability program.

This sounds like a good and caring thing to do. After all, it is Rachel Notley and her government that think they have the monopoly on compassion.

The truth is, people should be outraged by what is and has been happening for quite some time now. This government has been sitting on two separate reviews for both AISH and for people with developmental disabilities for more than a year. Minister of Community and Social Services Irfan Sabir has implemented only part of the AISH review and has done nothing with the developmental disability review.

This is what Minister Sabir told CBC News last November.

“There are 11 recommendations that are all substantial and we believe there are recommendations that can be implemented in the very short term that will benefit the community. We are prioritizing our work, prioritizing the recommendations that can be implemented right away, so the community doesn’t have to wait for another review.”

The only reason the government will be going through this waste of funds and time is that Twitter has been on fire with this issue for about six months now. The government’s solution to calm the opposition and the uninformed public is to call a review and do nothing again.

I will bet that this review will not be completed before the 2019 election and that is the main reason people ought to be outraged.

Do not be hoodwinked into this political manipulation that you are funding and remember their so-called compassion on election day.

Les Landry


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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
7 years ago

There is nothing intelligent about watching the so-called conservatives put this province in a horrific mess over a 25 year period , then listen to Albertans bash the NDP government for not fixing it all up in two years and sadly it’s seniors who are doing the bashing.. Why didn’t they pressure the conservatives to do it?

Les I’m betting my daughter is involved in it and is doing the best she can to fix this mess you’re so upset about, so maybe you should give them some time to make it right.

Les Landry
Les Landry
7 years ago

This issue is not the timeline this minister has or has not been working with the problems in the system.
The issue is when the minister already had a “review” that resulted in 11 recommendations and the Minister said he will be prioritizing to implement them. – CBC November 23, 2017
Irfan Sabir also said, “the community doesn’t have to wait for another review.” – CBC November 23, 2017.
We took his word on that only to be told that there will be another review So the issue is the message of “hope” he gave us only to be delayed again is the issue.
Irfan Sabir and Rachel Notley are playing politics on the backs of people with disabilities and what the conservative did or did not do does not give this government a free ride on this issue.
“The review is going to take longer than this government has left.”
And believe me, I am not the only one disappointed and upset.

CBC – reference;

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
7 years ago

Apparently Les Landry hasn’t learned that it’s not about a system in crisis it’s about a whole province being in crisis and who does he think created it ? It certainly wasn’t the NDP and I’m betting he was right their supporting Klein, Stelmach and Redford helping them create it, while Lougheed , Getty and a bunch of us true conservatives desperately tried to stop it.

The problem he whines about is likely all about money the government doesn’t have but he can’t understand that. Now proving how ignorant he is he wants to reward these Reformers who helped put us in this “Horrific Mess” as Lougheed called it by electing the UCP , run by a former Liberal, like Klein was, while he ignores the fact that everything they are promising will only make the situation a lot worse for Albertans. There is nothing intelligent about that, is there?

Les Landry
Les Landry
7 years ago

You miss the point and I don’t know how to send you the message any clearer than how I tried to explain it above..
What he told the CBC on November 23, 2017 is totally opposite to this announcement of this review.
That is the point~!