March 15th, 2025

Comments not rational, civilized or reasonable

By Letter to the Editor on January 18, 2018.

Re: “If our society doesn’t fight ‘forces of progressive leftist evil’ then evil wil win,” Jan. 5

What an interesting, but entirely unenlightening, letter from Leath Johnston. The first paragraphs of the letter got my attention, so I was hoping to find out more about how to “pushback . . . Mr. Mueller and his supporters.”

I agree that “rational dialogue . . . is how civilized, educated, reasonable people discuss matters of importance.” The rest of the letter is none of those things. Could he provide examples of “socialist correct speak, lies and fantasy” that he accuses Mr. Mueller of? This would be helpful. Does he really believe Mr. Mueller, or his supporters are “going to do evil to anyone?” What does this evil look like? Is it rational to say such a thing? You want us to remember that “no trick is too cheap, no lie is too big, no stunt is too low for . . . the progressive left . . .,” yet I’m afraid that I don’t remember, so again, examples would help to enlighten us.

Who are the “people with power and wealth” who started your “culture war?” If “the only choice is to lay bare the lies and garbage that is the progressive left’s commandments” then he should do so. What are the lies? What are the commandments? Lastly, he should enlighten us as to what “freedom, truth and reality” are in his world. It would guide us in our “pushback.”

Using terms like “forces of progressive leftist evil” (who or what are they, please?) and “their evil wins and our souls belong to someone else” is about as far from rational, civilized, educated or reasonable as one can get.

David Condon

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
7 years ago

David has it right, I’m betting Leath Johnston is another one of these ignorant seniors who will support anyone who adds the word Conservative to their name, calls anyone who doesn’t think like him a leftist, conveniently ignoring the fact that he supported Ralph Klein who always called himself a Liberal and is willing to support Jason Kenney another former Liberal. It certainly doesn’t make these guys look very smart, does it?

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
7 years ago

I hope everyone takes the time to pull up and read this “Paula Simons: Alberta Seniors lose lengthy legal fight over long-term care costs”. One more wonderful thing Ralph Klein did for his supporters. But this isn’t the whole story. After raising the fees in one year 40% he raised them again the next year by 12%, then Ed Stelmach raised them a further 12% and Allison Redford by 8%. In other words seniors saw them raised 72% in just a few years. If that wasn’t bad enough they refused to build any more government run facilities leaving us 1,800 beds short and people were forced to put their loved ones in private-for -profit ones, like our family was. It is costing our family nearly $11,000. per month. That’s $7,000. for basic room and board, with an additional $3,600. for a full time care giver that she desperately needs.

The family has been trying to get her into a much cheaper government facility, but because of the long waiting list the only one they were able to come up with was at Oyen and they don’t want to have to drive from Calgary to Oyen to visit her, can you blame them?

I wonder how many of these Klein supporters could afford this if they find themselves in this position down the road/? I know I couldn’t.