March 15th, 2025

Everyone should have the same health coverage

By Letter to the Editor on January 10, 2018.

People should realize that health care is a human right for all of us. All Americans should be entitled to the same health coverage that President Donald Trump, U.S. congressmen and congresswomen and senators have, especially people who have “pre-existing conditions” as well as low and moderate income seniors, the working poor, persons with disabilities and mental health consumers. What is good for The Donald is good for all Americans.

Likewise, all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, and indeed, all Canadians should have the same drug, medical and dental coverage that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the country’s premiers, federal MPs and our provincial representatives have, especially seniors who have low or moderate incomes, the working poor, and persons with disabilities who are ineligible for income support. What is good for Justin is good for all of us!

I believe the United States should join the modern world and implement a single-payer universal public medicare system for all their citizens. And I believe Newfoundland and Labrador, should catch up to the more progressive and supportive Canadian provinces and municipalities. Dental care should be a human right.

Edward Sawdon

St. John’s, Nfld.

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
7 years ago

You got it Edward. Everyone does and as my American Relatives say “Don’t let anyone destroy your public health care system , Trust us you don’t want ours” .

Five years ago an American told us that him and his wife had been paying $900. per month each for years , yes $1,800. per month. It was one of the highest insurance coverage’s you could buy in the U.S. Yet he was dying of cancer and was worried that his bills wouldn’t be totally covered and his wife would be left with a huge surplus. He died and that’s exactly what happened. His wife had to create a website asking people for donations to help her.

Yet the Reform Party boys in Alberta want to create that exact thing here in Alberta. They claim they will cut billions off government spending by dumping the cost of health care onto the backs of the people, while they continue to allow foreign investors clean out our oil wealth and obtain huge tax breaks while doing it. Why would anyone want that?

Make certain you pull up and read: “Wildrose Party disguises health-care myths as facts”.

If that’s not bad enough they also want to see a privatized education system according to what their candidates have told us over the years.