March 15th, 2025

Science doesn’t align itself with religion

By Letter to the Editor on December 15, 2017.

Re: “Evolution remains an unproved idea,” Nov. 20

I won’t address everything but I would like to address a couple of points.

Firstly, true science does not seek to align itself with any religion, ever. That would imply a very obvious bias which true science does not tolerate. True science is the process of experimentation used to explore observations and answer questions. Science has the simple and very significant beauty of being self-questioning, self-testing, and self-correcting. Religion lacks all of this and in fact scientific discovery is in fact very often in conflict with biblical claims.

Secondly, it is not necessarily an either/or between evolution and theism. Any religion could quite easily claim that their god devised evolution. I believe that the problem for christianity is likely that evolution takes a very long time and is therefore in conflict with their belief in a very young universe.

Claim a god if you want, I can’t stop you, but please give this some thought. If as you say “All these created creatures and trees, etc., were to reproduce after their own kind. And that is always what human beings have seen and known.”Since we all, according to your book, descended from Adam and Eve, but since that didn’t work out the way your god wanted it to (all knowing? really, didn’t see that coming? Couldn’t find a better solution than mass murder on an epic scale?) so he murdered everyone except for Noah and his family. Therefore if we all descended from Noah and his wife, without evolution how would you explain the very obvious physical differences between these groups of people: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and white?

Dale Kosi

Medicine Hat

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[…] begins by referring to an earlier letter in that newspaper with which he disagrees — see Science doesn’t align itself with religion — and he […]