March 14th, 2025

Face coverings: Time for change rather than hollering ‘intolerance’

By Letter to the Editor on November 16, 2017.

Canada has developed over the years its code of laws, and we have also experienced an evolution of generally accepted customs and traditions. This system will unquestionably set parameters for conduct. And, new Canadians have been able to fit in into our society with minimal stress for their adjustments over the years.

The open face, especially in public, has been our custom from some time. In a related case, our Supreme Court ruled that Hutterites will have to be photographed if they want an operator’s licence even though photographing is not practised by this sect. These people abided, and life goes on.

The province of Quebec has introduced legislation which requires for the uncovered face in public. This legislation appears to be consistent with common practice. This custom in itself identifies what is and what is not acceptable.

Imam Azeem argues that this legislation is intolerant because a certain number of Muslim women want to cover their face for they are modest. It is an interesting comment because several prominent Muslim women, like Raheel Raza and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, have publicly stated that face coverings are neither cultural nor religious, but chauvinism of some male Muslims that their women must have face coverings. If the statements of these women are true, it appears that some Muslim men like Imam Azeem want Canadians to be tolerant so that these men can continue to be intolerant to their women.

Imam Azeem and his ilk should reset their attitudes, especially in the equality of women and men. It is time for change rather than hollering “intolerance.”

Larry Samcoe

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
7 years ago

My Muslim barber says the same thing. These women and the men supporting them are treating us like morons, it’s got nothing to do with their religion. So why cave into a few who are making fools of us.