March 14th, 2025

Precedents being followed and set with Bill 24

By Letter to the Editor on November 15, 2017.

In 2015, Premier Notley issued an apology, conceding, assumedly, child-raising is the jurisdiction of everyday parents. UNICEF’s Rights of the Child states: “Governments must respect the responsibility of parents for providing appropriate guidance to their children — the Convention does not take responsibility for children away from their parents and give more authority to governments.”

The NDP established itself with Canada’s last residential school closures. Yet Alberta’s NDP committed to the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. [They] have the right to their institutional structures spirituality, traditions, procedures, juridicial systems.

Alarmingly, Notley traveled backward in time, borrowing the Indian Commissioner’s playbook. Bill 24: The [Education] Minister may, by order, impose any additional terms.” Ministerial orders are exempt from publication and cabinet approval.

The NDP misuse power? Ask the couple denied adoption — because of conservative Christian beliefs — regarding sexuality and the casework supervisor asserting “official position of the Alberta government.”

The NDP deems conservative Christians unfit to raise children — channeling ghosts of cultural genocide.

The Right Honourable Steven Harper apologized: “Objectives were to remove and isolate children from the influence of their homes, families, traditions to assimilate them into the dominant culture based on the assumption that aboriginal cultures and spiritual beliefs were inferior and unequal. There is no place in Canada for the attitudes that inspired the Indian residential schools system to ever again prevail.”

Premier Notley, lest we forget, What were you apologizing for?

Jayne Yuill

Spruce Grove, Alta.

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