March 14th, 2025

Tax privileges for specific group not the ‘Canadian way’

By Letter to the Editor on September 28, 2017.

Re: “Taxing businesses is taxing the rich?,” Sept. 21

I guess I have to thank the Vermilion writer for his informative (?) economics 101 treatise as published in the News. I am certainly in the majority of Canadians who wants more product, more employment, more income to buy more products. Sort of like motherhood and apple pie, if you know what I mean. His opinion that taxes decrease the standard of living for everyone “which is especially onerous for those on the lower end of the economic scale” may or may not be true.

Isn’t the simple solution to just eliminate all business taxes so that we are all more prosperous? Could it possibly be true that since higher taxes hurt everyone, the corollary that lower (especially zero) taxes is the Utopia that we all strive for?

His letter is noticeably short on facts and figures. I would be happier if he had used the phrase “in my opinion” a lot more since opinion and fact are not always the same thing.

Small, medium and large businesses are unquestionably good things and I’m glad that many of my fellow Canadians choose to build and run business enterprises of all kinds, investing money and working their hard to better themselves and the rest of us in the process.

Anyway, my unsubstantiated opinion is that singling out a portion of money earners for special privileges is not what I think is the Canadian way of doing things.

Yes, I will be using the email address the writer thoughtfully provided for Bill Morneau but it won’t have the content that he so glibly had in mind.

Keith Pearce

Medicine Hat

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