March 14th, 2025

Siding with Justin Trudeau on changes to Canadian tax act

By Letter to the Editor on September 18, 2017.

Re: “Business Beat: Proposed corporate tax changes cause for concern,” Sept. 6

What a neat idea the executive director of the Medicine Hat Chamber of Commerce has of putting quotation marks around words she doesn’t seem to agree with () Did she actually mean to be so condescending? If so, it sure worked on me. She really thinks that business owners should have special privileges, advantages and perks because they don’t have the protection of their employees? Really?

I’m glad that she pointed out the income sprinkling wrinkle in the tax act. Is she OK with an employee sharing his/her paycheque with his/her offspring to the point where no tax will be due? She didn’t mention this in her column. Just forgot, probably.

I know that life and taxes and a lot of other stuff in life is not fair but that doesn’t mean that I have to like having an elitist (business owner in this case?) trying to justify why they are so much more special than I am.

As is probably evident by now I have less than no use for persons lucky/skilled/whatever to be able to engorge themselves at the public trough.

Any person who has maxxed out their RRSP and TFSA for the year then has the gall to complain that they need to keep loopholes open needs to be publicly scorned.

After all, what is wrong with the basic premise that income is just that, income. If you put $1,000 in your pocket from salary, bonus, tips, selling a few cows, playing poker, dividends, capital gains, prostitution, bank interest, etc., what is the difference?

I so wish that I had a few letters to put after my name so that my fellow Hatters would take me seriously on fiscal matters but sadly, that is not the case.

I do want sympathy from everyone since I am publicly siding with Trudeau on this on. Who would have ever thought?

Keith Pearce

Medicine Hat

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