March 14th, 2025

Khadr profited from illegal actions

By Letter to the Editor on September 18, 2017.

Re: “Guest Column: Human right are for everyone,” Sept. 6

I agree with Elizabeth Strange, human rights are for everyone. However the right to profit from illegal actions is another thing.

Omar Khadr was no innocent victim. Yet in this political/financial game lawyers (in particular) like to play, Khadr has been made to look the innocent hard-done-by child.

The facts are all there and proven. Khadr’s family, father well known ties and links to terrorist organizations. Mother a dislike of western social influences, vehement in her wish to raise her children outside of Canada, sister with ties to Al Qaeda, yet both parents wanted the protection of the Canadian passport and legal system for themselves and their children.

Footage aired by the TV show “60 Minutes” clearly shows Khadr laughing and disparaging the west while making Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) the very same IEDs that killed 97 Canadian soldiers and many other coalition soldiers. Add to that innocent civilians also. There is much more.

They say he was a child and cannot be accountable for his actions, but here lies the hypocrisy. There are many examples in Canada of youth (children) being held accountable for their actions; Cody Barnowski (14) murder; Justin Morton (14) murder — just two examples and both sentenced as adults. Yes, they will receive treatment and counselling and will be released. But they are also under a lifelong supervision order to assist should they reoffend.

Khadr’s human rights were upheld. He had his day in court (more than his victims can ever hope for). Maybe some of his rights were infringed in the aftermath of his actions, but that’s the price you should pay when you decide to become a terrorist. Khadr has not and never will be cleared of his actions. So to financially reward a proven terrorist shows a weak government.

For me this was a clear abuse of the human rights system won by lawyers for someone who has to be held accountable for his actions.

Wayne Smith

Medicine Hat

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