March 14th, 2025

Money wasted on Strachan Road construction

By Letter to the Editor on September 15, 2017.

I was very disappointed with the contractor redoing Strachan Road this summer, and also Spruce Way last year.

They tore up a perfectly good road to redo it. Both these roads were in very good shape.

I believe some managers are advising city council to do these so they will last another 20 years. These roads will last 20 years without being done over.

I believe these repairs are probably costing in the millions of dollars as they are a cost-plus deal, for they take three to four months to completely about four blocks of road. Let’s fire some managers and get some saving on our taxes. There is so much waste.

Mayor and councillors had better make some changes before this fall election. We do not need money wasted for this foolishness.

Frank Gechter

Medicine Hat

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