March 14th, 2025

Government should be ashamed for caving in to terrorist Khadr

By Letter to the Editor on July 13, 2017.

As a retired soldier I am not only appalled at the apology and millions of our tax dollars being given to a convicted murder, I am personally offended.

I proudly served in the Canadian military for 20 years and retired just as proud with the rank of warrant officer. I know soldiers who came home from Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan with horrible injuries both physical and mental yet they are met with uncaring government bureaucracy. And in the case of those who can no longer serve due to their medical condition — which is in direct relationship to their service and sacrifice — they are offered a meager $350,000 settlement and very little support of any kind afterwards.

The Trudeau government should be ashamed for caving in to this terrorist Omar Khadr and his lawyers. He killed an unarmed medic and is seen in our media with a wide grin because the government has rewarded his bad behaviour which will undoubtedly only result in more bad behaviour.

I proudly wore the Canadian flag on my shoulder for 20 years and was proud of my nation. Today I am ashamed to be Canadian and it’s the Trudeau government’s fault.Shame, shame, shame!

I demand to be told the exact amount you have given this SOB. It’s my money and I have the right! How much of these millions will now end up in the hands of his terrorist connected family, or has the government even thought of that?

Ronald W. Noel, (Ret’d) CD, CPSM, QJM

Medicine Hat

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