March 14th, 2025

Let’s Chat: Life as a leftie

By Linda Tooth on March 12, 2025.

As I navigate the world of a ‘leftie’ due to my recent tumble, I am intrigued by the number of people in this world who identify as left-handed and how they have dealt with what I view as a challenging situation.

According to, 10 per cent of the world’s population is left-handed.

That means 90 per cent are right-handed with a small 1 per cent being ambidextrous, meaning they have no dominant hand.

In 2022, CBS News did a poll asking almost 2,000 U.S. adults what life was like as a leftie and a staggering 88 per cent said life was harder for lefties as products were not created for their uniqueness.

Things like cutlery, tools, can openers, rulers, knitting needles, crocheting hooks, notebooks and a computer mouse were all designed for the 90 per cent who are right-handed.

What about the lefties?

Well, I looked on Amazon and was impressed by what is available for them.

Things like left-handed notebooks, a left-handed mouse for computer users, crocheting and knitting instructions, tools to use and the list goes on. They even have a coloring book for lefties called Left-Handed Swearing Coloring Book for Adults.

Now, did you know that Prince William is left-handed. I had no idea.

As an avid royal watcher, I cannot believe I did not notice that. Next time you see him and Princess Catherine standing beside each other and waving to the crowd, please note they are each using their dominant hand.

Other famous lefties include Oprah Winfrey, Julia Roberts, Lebron James (shoots right but is left-handed), Ned Flanders from the Simpsons (creator Matt Groening is left-handed), Lady Gaga and Barack Obama.

What about famous left-handed Canadians?

Canada has one of the highest rates of left-handed people at 13 per cent. Let me tell you who is on that list, Justin Bieber, Sidney Crosby, Celine Dion, Seth Rogen, Keanu Reeves, James Cameron, and Wayne Gretzky. I know some may be unhappy I included Wayne, but he is Canadian.

I remember my dad who was a leftie telling us that in school they would not treat lefties well and often would smack a ruler across their left hand to try and stop them from using it. They wanted to convert them to the righties.

People believed those who were left-handed were evil as the word sinister comes from the Latin word for left. My dad would be proud to know that the Left Handers Club based in the United Kingdom created the International Left Handers Day in 1992. That day is August 13. For 24 hours lefties get to celebrate their uniqueness and creativity.

As a lover of all things historical, I have ordered the book On the Other Hand by Howard Kushner. He looks at the stigma associated with being a leftie and the impact this has had on human cognition, behavior, culture, and health.

I am hopeful that once my right arm from the shoulder to my fingers heals, I will be back into the world of the righties. But let me tell you, I have learned so much from my experiences as a leftie.

Never take for granted putting your seatbelt on as a passenger, cutting bread, going to the bathroom, dressing yourself, styling your hair, and trying to cut meat at the dinner table. It is exhausting.

Have a Meowtastic Day and keep reading!

Linda Tooth is a part-time communications instructor at Medicine Hat College

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