March 3rd, 2025

Letter: Congratulations are in order to a tourney well played

By Letter to the Editor on February 25, 2025.

Dear editor,

So very proud of our hockey men. No disparagement against our American neighbours at all. They played their best, we played our best and one of the greatest, if not the greatest, current player in the world scored the winning goal. A special acknowledgement to Sid Crosby, a great ambassador of the game and a great Canadian! If all players in every nation were more like him, what a great thing that would be!

Overall the tournament was very entertaining from a hockey fan’s perspective. In future I hope we can leave the politics out of it and just play hockey and may the best team(s) win. In previous tournaments the winners always thanked their opponents for their participation and great play and the opponents always congratulated the winning team, regardless of country!

I sincerely hope we can return to a more respectful attitude and enjoy the sport for what it is – the most entertaining and fastest sport in the world! Congratulations Team Canada on the win and congratulations to Teams U.S.A., Finland and Sweden for a well played tournament and showing the world your awesome talents!

Ron Noël

Medicine Hat

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