February 15th, 2025

Letter: Trudeau hypocritically fights anti-democratic oligarchs while shutting down government here

By Letter to the Editor on February 13, 2025.

Dear editor,

It is a hard choice to decide who may be the bigger fools. Canadians for accepting a tax as a means to reverse climate change, or, Americans who think they can reverse their debt load by enacting tariffs.

While Justin Trudeau continues to rail against anti-democratic oligarchs, he single handily has shut down our democratic parliament to suit his party’s agenda. Our prime minister is hurling stones from within his glass house.

Richard Dietrich

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
2 days ago

Apparently Richard hasn’t been paying attention to what Oil Executives have been saying and is believing the lies these Reformers , pretending they are Conservatives have been feeding him. Executives state that it’s the cheapest and most effective way to fight Global Warming and 26 other countries have adopted it and agree. It’s been in place in Sweden since 1991 and they know it works. It’s been in place in B.C. since 2008 and they know it works.
It was created in Alberta by Conservatives to help our oil executives show the world that we do care about Global Warming and want to help do something about it, yet when Reformer Stephen Harper refused to implement it and showed no concern for what Global Warming was doing to the planet he refused to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. Obama knew these Reformers were ignoring it.
When Albertans elected Reformer Jason Kenney Biden didn’t approve it either. Now Reformer Pierre Poilievre wants to AXE the TAX and do nothing like he did as a member of the Stephen Harper Reform Party that cost Canadians Billions of dollars with the loss of the Keystone XL Pipe
Does Richard think we should axe it and take money out of the pockets of people who desperately need it?
It’s my understanding that Mark Carney if elected will keep it in place until they come up with a better system, and I doubt he will. Canadians are receiving more than they are paying out. I know I am. Yet these Reformers are using it to buy votes and claim it will financially destroy all of us.
Those who believe these Reformers lies better Google:
“The Shocking Truth About B.C. Carbon Tax: It Works”
“When It comes to emissions Sweden has it’s cake and eats it too”

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
2 days ago

To add to what I have already said. Although being a Conservative I have never been a fan of Trudeau’s I am not dumb enough to ignore what lawyers have been saying about him being a hero to Albertans and these articles prove it:
“Albertans Received More Funds From Feds Than From Revenue For the first time In Decades.”
“Albertans got more Covid support per capita than any other province”
Don’t forget how he saved our oil industry by buying us a pipeline, as our oilmen friends point out. The guy is a true hero and all he gets is sarcastic remarks hurled at him by us gullible Albertans believing every lie these Reformers feed us. Where is the intelligence in that?
In other words the Conservative MLAs that I got to know, when Lougheed’s energy minister was a brother in-law of one of uncles were right Don’t ever trust a Reformer.
While these Reformers have been feeding us the lie that Trudeau has been stealing all Alberta’s money it’s the Reformers who are doing it as this article proves: “Royalties Down 32% Billions in Federal Revenue Lost” They are helping the rich steal our oil and corporate tax wealth.
My senior friends and I are all in our 80s and 90s and who do we see these Reformers making fools of? Our fellow seniors who should be smarter, but apparently aren’t.

1 day ago

Hopefully no one believes the lies you tell. Just because it’s on the internet doesn’t make it true

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
1 day ago
Reply to  benevolant

Why are you Reform Party supporters incapable of understanding the truth, you can’t handle it, you aren’t man enough so people call you the denier?
Do you see any reason why the true conservatives shouldn’t hold you Reformers financially responsible for the “Horrific Mess” as Lougheed called it, that you helped them create?
How about an opportunity in court to prove what makes you so much smarter than the rest of us, do you want to try? All the lawyers, accountants, economists, oilmen, bankers, and former Conservative MLAs we talk to agree that we are right and you are dead wrong. Where is your proof you are?
My late parents and two sisters spent countless hours volunteering for the Lougheed and Getty governments. A brother in-law voluntarily flew the government plane for them in his spare time. Lougheed’s energy minister Bill Dickie was a brother in-law of one of my uncles and dad donated around $30,000. to the Alberta Conservative Party over the years.
We are strong conservatives and not dumb enough to support Reformers tryin to pretend they are Conservative, so why do you?
The name FEDUP CONSERVATIVE was created by a lawyer friend to show we are true conservatives and I have never been afraid to hide the fact that my real name is Alan K. Spiller, what’s yours? Or aren’t you man enough to tell us?