October 17th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, May 28, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on May 28, 2024.

Ticked Off

The Veiner Centre, if necessary, should be run by the City of Medicine Hat, not a for-profit from Calgary.

Tickled Pink

The river is high and flowing at a reasonable rate. So now, residents, don’t waste this precious resource. Set your sprinklers up and water in the dry days to come. Not now while it’s still raining.

Ticked Off

That cancer has got my dear friend from cards. I think of you daily and pray for you nightly. So much love.

Tickled Pink

I’m living the dream. Old, retired and fleeting the days away.

Ticked Off

Alberta teachers union is saying on billboards that the education system is underfunded, and yet the teachers are the third highest paid in Canada after 10 years employment. Step up and help out. Take zero per-cent increase over the next four years. Show us Albertans that you care also.

Tickled Pink

Oh my goodness, this column should just be titled Cranky and Irritable. Doesn’t anyone have a positive or kind word to say? I love this beautiful city of ours and I feel the current council is doing a great job.

Ticked Off

At the snoopy guy who has to worry about someone else’s RV post and wonder what happened to it. Wow, you need to get a life.

Ticked Off

Danielle Smith must not like Medicine Hat much. Thirteen school boards in the province getting a budget cut, with Medicine Hat getting the sharpest cuts.

Ticked Off

UCP government has shown us how much they don’t value education with the school budget cuts. They probably think oil workers only need a Grade 3 education, if that.

Ticked Off

Students with mo-peds use the sidewalk as a shortcut to exit the YMCA/Notre Dame parking lot at Spruce Way. There are lots of pedestrians at that crosswalk after school. Also, oncoming traffic isn’t looking out for a mo-ped coming from that direction. It’s a safety concern for everyone.

Tickled Pink

To know why seven out of 10 provinces received a D- grade, while only N.S. and P.E.I. improved on their 2023 grades. Don’t hear PP honking his horn on these conservative premiers.

Ticked Off

Looking at the AESO website, the past 30-day average for electricity in Alberta is under $40 per MWh, and our city set a floor at $70. Now what?

Tickled Pink

Role modelling: The behaviour exhibited by leaders and influential figures within an organization sets the standard for acceptable conduct. When leaders display uncivil behaviour or overlook it, it sends a message that incivility is tolerated or even encouraged. City of Medicine Hat it started with the leaders both on council and in the organization and was mirrored back to you by the residents. You reap what you sow.

Ticked Off

Dear council and mayor, remote workers do not support local businesses. We have enough people in the community who are more than capable of filling these positions. Respectfully, let’s keep our tax dollars with in our community.

Ticked Off

Boarded-up drug house. Think we need stronger laws for the landlord. PS – Stronger laws for the landlord will never affect the good renters.

Tickled Pink

That my recent reporting of a teen driver from Medicine Hat High, who was hot-dogging on Sixth Street SE and nearly injured one of his buddies, was immediately attended to by our local police. Hopefully the boy’s parents were able to get through to this kid that a vehicle can be a lethal weapon.

Ticked Off

After hearing the news of the semi driver who hit and killed hockey players in Saskatchewan getting eight years, and now going to be deported back to India, while the driver of the bus in Manitoba killed more people only got fined and swept under the rug. Why are they so hard on the semi driver? Probably because he was from India. The laws should be the same for both drivers, but they are not.

Ticked Off

So my school property taxes increased by 12% this year, but the province is cutting funding to Medicine Hat schools by $1 million. Just where does the increase go? Perhaps one of our overpaid MLAs can tell us.

Ticked Off

I think we should opt out of the CPP just on the basis that Trudeau endorses it. We know that there is nothing true coming out of his mouth. No pun intended.

Tickled Pink

Thank you to the person who noticed a problem with my tire when I was parked at the clinic. You left a much appreciated note on my windshield. So thankful for the caring people in our city.

Tickled Pink

With the Dr. Linda Hancock and Rev. Oz Lorentzen columns in Saturday’s paper. So informative and truthful. Keep up the good work.

Tickled Pink

That a Good Samaritan picked up an elderly man on Riverside and put him in his truck to give him a ride.

Ticked Off

That people would take on a multi-million-dollar project in this economy.

Ticked Off

At the manned traffic control and reduced lanes at the Parkview Drive and 12th Street NE. intersection. There is no construction in the area that would warrant this type of traffic control. It only leads to traffic slowdowns and unnecessary taxpayer dollars being spent. My city taxes are already high enough.

Tickled Pink

I appreciate that there have been demonstrations against the UCP government. They are not acting like a conservative government. Will Danielle Smith notice? I hope so, but so far not much hope.

Ticked Off

I am born and raised in this city. In these 70 years I have never been as ashamed of our provincial and municipal governments as I am today.

Tickled Pink

The balloon festival was so much fun! Thank you to the organizers.

Ticked Off

Rise Up was very disappointing. All it did was encourage people to eat junk food and buy overpriced junk. Cannot Medicine Hat do better?

Tickled Pink

That it is so easy to pull downy brome in May. Check behind your fence. Remove downy brome now without pesticides before the seeds ripen.

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