October 17th, 2024

Letter: Mature adults understand that respect is a two-way street

By Letter to the Editor on May 22, 2024.

Dear editor,

I feel it is time for the adults in this community to show up.

This community needs sane, mature adult conversation when interacting and dealing with elected officials and public servants.

We also need conversations based on reality and the facts as they are and not descend into internet-based fantasies that have no basis in reality nor spew negative diatribes anonymously via social media.

Public stunts intended to do nothing more than interrupt the process are infantile, inappropriate and merely show that the perpetrators are part of the problem and are incapable of providing a solution.

If you have a genuine beef then write to the person responsible and put your name on it, then that someone can respond and surprise, might help resolve the issue.

Manners are the lubricant of a safe and effective society which sadly seems to have gone by the wayside. You have to earn respect and entitlement, demanding it undeservedly, demonstrates how immature and unreliable you are.

Foul and disparaging language will only result in more of the same. Remember Grandma’s other line, you get more flies with honey than vinegar.

Ian Parkinson

Medicine Hat

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