October 17th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, May 21, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on May 21, 2024.

Ticked Off

People are entitled to their privacy in their own yards. Building a four-storey condo unit next to an established neighborhood would take privacy away. There is plenty of room for such a large building elsewhere. Why on 1st. SW.

Tickled Pink

Excellent article on Allyson McCaw. I hope she enjoys her retirement but continues to write her inspiring column in the News. I also wish her sons success and satisfaction in their chosen careers.

Ticked Off

Ticked off at the person who keeps throwing their full orange peels on the river trail below the Medicine Hat Golf Club going towards Police Point Park. We are sick of picking up your peels. Put them in the garbage or take them home.

Tickled Pink

For the sake of city employees, an anonymous reporting system should be implemented sooner rather than later. How are employees meant to report their supervisors if they are ignoring procedures or misusing tax payer funds with out being in fear of facing consequences for telling the truth.

Ticked Off

I don’t want any of my tax dollars paying for frivolous FOIP requests. Ridiculous waste of taxpayer money. “I want everything with my name on it” Give me a break. As a tax paying citizen where can I sign up to not have my money pay for this? These people should pay for this out of their own pockets.

Tickled Pink

I am pleased to see that a Big Box store has gone to the expense of repairing the flag pole mechanism and once more proudly flying the flags of Canada.

Ticked Off

I’m not completely sure that a carbon tax will stop forest fires. Mother Nature isn’t controlled by a tax.

Ticked Off

A deer that had been hit by a car died in my yard. The City said that they would not remove it. I had to make private arrangements and pay for its removal. Alternatively, I could drag the body into the alley and the city would remove the body. I have paid taxes for over 40 years and expect better from the city.

Ticked Off

If the Alberta pension plan is such a bad idea and the Canada pension plan is better, why isn’t Quebec not trying to get into the Canada plan and not stay in their own.

Ticked Off

That now people are concerned the provincial government is out to grab power. They would have seen this coming by simply reading the T.B.A. website prior to the last election and now it’s too late to say I told you so. Three more years, actually this has been extended, now three and a half more years.

Tickled Pink

Thank you to the mayor for asking tough questions and not sitting back apathetically like the rest of the councillors. We voted her to do exactly this: keeping administration transparent and accountable. She would be irresponsible to not ask questions to avoid hurt feelings. Everyone I speak to says the Mayor is kind and respectful. It is okay to ask tough questions.

Ticked Off

I pay my utility bill so I will use air conditioning when I need or want, mind your own air conditioning!

Ticked Off

Highway drivers on the Trans Canada who stay in the left lane when they could move into the right lane to let vehicles trying to merge into the left lane. The law is keep right except to pass. Merge access to the right hand lanes are much longer than to the left lane, so it’s dangerous and inconsiderate to stay in the left lane.

Ticked Off

That my neighbour is doing backyard renovations. Instead of having one man work everyday pounding and bulldozing, why not hire a company to get it done in a matter of days instead of subjecting the neighbours to endless noise for nearly a month.

Ticked Off

That a company would think it’s okay to build a four-storey condo unit in front of an established beautiful peaceful area of this city.

Ticked Off

At an accusation of corruption in this section. To make a blanket statement that includes city council, business owners lawyers and doctors? Pretty easy to do without providing any such proof,or having to sign your name to such a statement.

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