January 5th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, June 23

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on June 23, 2022.

Ticked Off

That the new walking-biking path along Carry Drive has already had to be patched in multiple locations. What kind of contractor/workmanship did the city hire to complete this grant-money project? As well, the landscaping on either side of the path is not finished and is overgrown with weeds.

Ticked Off

That the city put up construction fencing on the entrance to the bike path that goes behind the Stampede grounds. They obviously didn’t want people watching the chuck wagon races for free. Why not be honest and put up keep out, or off limits signs. Or better yet, post a security guard there during the time. There is no construction on the path – why lie about it, and prevent the use of the path during non race times?

Tickled Pink

I am tickled pink that someone sarcastically called the new Town Square “Tin Can Alley.” I think it is a great name and the city should run with promoting the nickname. It is very catchy. Let’s own it!

Ticked Off

Politicians aren’t listening! You are to represent the people, not your own agenda! You’re fired if you don’t do your job! No pension either.

Ticked Off

I guess when sales go down, and food spoils due to outrageous prices, maybe big companies will stop being so greedy! Way to go people… raise your credit card debt!

Ticked Off

Our country is soo divided from race, sexual orientation, religion, land rites, apologies. Occupation or lack of, addiction, royalty, politicians. Everyone is to fault to some degree. This absurd belief that one person is better than the other makes me sick. Accountability, no one makes us do anything – choice, we all have it. Granted, slim pickings at times, but choice all the same.

Tickled Pink

If the mayor and councillors would take a stroll through downtown back alleys and pick up some of the needles from all the drug users. It is disgusting, every morning I take the trash out and there are fresh needles.

Tickled Pink

At the new fire hall by Maple Avenue Bridge – lucky the river did not flood so we can keep enjoying the sirens blaring all hours of the night and day.

Ticked Off

Those protesting the treatment of international students just ruined the chances of picking up more host families for next year. Who wants to open their home on seemingly a good chance your reputation is at stake if some entitled student decides to malign you for whatever reason?

Ticked Off

Ticked off at retail advertising “up to 40% off,” when in actuality they may have only a few items at that price of 40% off. We are not that gullible.

Ticked Off

With the removal of the turning lanes downtown and Riverside. For a supposedly forward thinking city why are we going backward. They were more efficient before wasting tax money. Someone should be held accountable.

Ticked Off

At the person(s) who vandalized my parents’ memorial bench in Strathcona Park. Went to visit on Father’s Day and found the plaque had been stolen. Devastating for me but just a bit of fun for you.

Ticked Off

That Russian olive trees are allowed to grow and multiply along the river between Harlow and the library, and at both ends of Maple Avenue Bridge and along Altawana Drive to First Street N.

Ticked Off

Have we learned nothing in the past two years? To the family behind us at the chuckwagon races in the box seats with their son coughing… ‘If you’re sick STAY HOME.’

Tickled Pink

How so many young people are enjoying our downtown on the e-scooters. What a great way to get around, and at zero cost to the taxpayer. The company is covering all costs.

Ticked Off

That one of the city’s venues for the less fortunate to receive meals, counselling, etc. is also a gathering spot for pot smoking on the property.

Ticked Off

PM Trudeau, demonstrating his hypocrisy regarding carbon footprint, has recently travelled to Berlin, London, Poland, Latvia, Brussels, L.A., Ukraine and is heading out again to to Rwanda, Germany and Madrid. Meanwhile the Liberal government will extend for another year the option for in-person attendance at our own parliament. He can meet in person all over the globe, but not in Canada?

Ticked Off

If Drew Barnes would do what he was voted in for… represent all of Medicine Hat. If he can’t do that, step away and stop taking a salary for doing nothing. He wasn’t voted in as an independent.

Ticked Off

The stupidity in this section never ceases to amaze me. The electric scooters don’t cost taxpayers a thing, it’s a private business, and the whole point is to leave them “laying around.” You drive the scooter to your destination and you leave it there, then the next person who wants to use it just takes if from where it is. It’s fun to do, it’s convenient for teens and kids, and it’s a profitable business. What’s the downside? You don’t like looking at them from your window? Someone responsible for their own safety might get hurt? Honestly, find something else to complain about.

Tickled Pink

Did someone in our city actually say Trudeau is an intelligent and enduring leader? The guy is a World Economic Forum puppet, nothing more, nothing less. Thanks for the laugh though!

Ticked Off

The lights in this city are ridiculously timed, especially on Dunmore Road. Start, stop, start, stop, can’t we have a better automated system that you can make it at least one light?! And why would it change for no cars to go through the opposite light.

Ticked Off

Public bathrooms are a privilege to use and people need to be more respectful when accessing them. They are disgusting and gross, clean up after yourself.

Ticked Off

Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, birthdays, Christmas, I miss spending time with my mom. If you still have yours and don’t see them give your head a shake. Grownups, take responsibility… are you that person or are you hiding behind some lame immature excuses?

Tickled Pink

I am tickled pink we will have another downtown Art Walk this year. Saturday, July 9 from 7-10 p.m. Mark your calendar now! It will feature downtown art-related businesses and local artists in booths.

Ticked Off

That council is debating clotheslines when the city budget is going to result in large tax increases.

Tickled Pink

IF ‘YOU’ WOULD ‘WARN’ READERS NEXT PAGE – ‘SNAKE’ PICTURE. I almost had a heart attack when turning the page this a.m. PUL-EASE — ALERT ME, PLEASE! I cut/cover that!

Ticked Off

Gun fanatics somehow consider themselves patriots, while most of us see them as the weak insecure mess they’ve always been. If you hunt, that’s great, if you’re just scared without them, we still see through you.

Ticked Off

At the Town of Redcliff Public Works for not keeping the trees along Broadway alive. For 80 years, there have been about 8-9 dying yearly from lack of water. Once you plant them, you should be watering them at least three times a week in the hot weather… SHAME.

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