December 15th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, June 16

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on June 16, 2022.

Ticked Off

We’ve got two major news channels here in Canada. CBC and CTV. You’d think we could get some actual Canadian news. All we get is nonstop coverage of everything that happens in the U.S. From Johnny Depp to Donald Trump to all of their, “We’re the best country on the planet” BS. No wonder Canadians know absolutely nothing about this country and think we’re all Americans.

Ticked Off

Really? Now you antivaxxers are crying about monkeypox? Seriously? Turn off Facebook and Twitter, take off your foil hat and come back to reality. And shame on this newspaper for giving these people an outlet to spread fake news.

Ticked Off

What is it with Health Canada and their constant attempts to demonize people who smoke? How about alcoholics? They’re killing themselves just as much as us smokers. But they’re also destroying their families because of their alcoholism. Yet smokers are seen as hideous creatures while the drunks are seen as the life of the party.

Ticked Off

To the elite of this city… Parking a social welfare ideology in the midst of a community is not fair at all. These services are vital, and needed – but not right next to my house. I could not sell this house if I tried. Contacted several real-estate agents. Not interested.

Ticked Off

To the person who continues to fly the Canadian flag upside down in their picture window. If Canada is so bad, why don’t you move to another country instead of disgracing our flag?

Ticked Off

We used to get plastic straws wrapped in paper. Now we get paper straws wrapped in plastic. Good job Trudeau, you have saved the planet!

Ticked Off

With “Pierreinflation” already taking Canadians down the losing trail. Bitcoin. BoC firing. No mandates on vaxx. Just another loud-mouth conservative.

Tickled Pink

I’m intelligent enough to know that smoke or vapor alone is toxic, so adding chemicals for flavour would be even more toxic to the lungs, no matter how popular it is. Stick to the original, you’ll be better off. Remember the menthol cigarettes along with the government implementing the spraying of formaldehyde on all smoked tobacco products? No wonder there is a significant increase in respiratory illness!

Ticked Off

We really need to find a paving company that knows what they’re doing to repair the roller-coaster ride known as Box Springs Boulevard.

Tickled Pink

Tickled pink with the young female clerk at the Shell station on Dunmore Road who went out of her way to warn me about an internet scam I was falling for by putting $6,000 cash into the station’s Bitcoin machine. But I was so sure it was a legitimate way to do a “duplicate transaction” to correct a bank fraud on my account that I didn’t listen. If only I’d listened I would still have my $6,000.

Ticked Off

That our great leader promised to make the lives of the middle class better off. How are you doing? Me, not so better off.

Tickled Pink

It’s great that I can continue to avoid stepping one foot downtown, as there’s still no real reason to bother, and the city doesn’t seem keen on changing that.

Ticked Off

The new scooter program for Medicine Hat looks like it has created a new problem for the hospital’s emergency rooms with some pretty serious injuries occurring needing medical attention.

Ticked Off

Blood services’ appointment procedure is bizarre. By the time you get through the line your appointment time has past. You need to be there an hour early to get through the lineup, so what’s the point?

Tickled Pink

I would be tickled pink if the insurance companies offered a policy covering the deer eating my flowers in my flower beds.

Tickled Pink

Despite double masked, triple vaxxed, only hanging around with vaxxed people, our scandalous PM comes down with COVID for the second time in months. His science is getting harder to believe all the time.

Ticked Off

There’s too many people buying houses in formerly nice neighborhoods, leaving them in utter disrepair, and renting them out for obscene amounts. What was once a nice, well kept, kid-friendly neighborhood looks like a run-down trailer park on a drag strip.

Ticked Off

To the person who wanted food scraps in the green bins. Regular food scraps don’t compost but scraps of vegetables do. They can be put in the green bins but they must be vegetable.

Ticked Off

Very disappointed Western media fails to tell us the truth about the war in Ukraine and how our country provides funding and weapons to what is really one of the most corrupt governments in the world. If you don’t believe me go to the UN corruption charts.

Ticked Off

Gas prices are outrageous… how about put a pump by one of our wells so we can fill up! Greed.

Ticked Off

I wish I had a speed camera on my dash. Does anyone drive the speed limit?

Ticked Off

To promote local businesses, MH News used to have columns by local owners, especially gardening columns. How to grow plants in the eastern US is really not relevant to Medicine Hat.

Ticked Off

Ticked off with all these scooters being left all over the city, including on people’s lawns. The next one on my lawn will go in my garage. I wouldn’t want someone to steal it. Let them knock on my door if they want it back.

Ticked Off

That city council did not invite the contractors who built the projects to their grand opening and made no mention of them. Shows what little respect they have.

Ticked Off

Who lives in a condo where an owner uses the balcony as a toilet for their pet? I do. A recent occupant has a dog who defecates/urinates every single day on the balcony in blatant disregard of condo bylaws. In my 25 years living here with a nice river view and terrace NEVER have I encountered such disgusting and disrespectful behaviour from a neighbour.

Ticked Off

Big Marble Go Centre – nice to see the city destroy the children’s playground so they could construct a playcourt for procrastinating old men who never use it. A new children’s play centre should have been constructed before p*ckercourt was even built. Perhaps this was another contractor kickback? It’s time the cops start investigating all these conflicts of interests with the local contractors. The old boys club is alive and well.

Ticked Off

Wondering why, after so many years of being a very dangerous hazard, that the intersection of Box Springs Street and Box Springs Road has had no finished repair or the removal of the jersey barriers? Stop sign is many feet back from where it actually needs to be and anyone exiting Box Springs Street to go onto Box Springs Road has to go through the stop sign to be able to get a glimpse of oncoming traffic. Barriers should be removed at the very least. It is extremely dangerous for traffic exiting the arena on that road. City or BSBG has totally dropped the ball there.

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