May 12th, 2024

Letter: Sadly, the Emergencies Act was clearly justified

By Letter to the Editor on March 3, 2022.

Dear editor,

From any perspective, right, left, or anywhere between, it should be clear that it was the duty of the federal government of Canada to intervene in the recent chaos on the streets of Ottawa. The only area for debate on this issue is whether the feds should have waited three weeks.

Clearly the mayor of the city lacked the means to move the trucks and the provincial government did nothing but dither and scold. The federal government had to confront the diesel-fuelled monsters and their ill-informed hangers-on.

The government’s actions were measured, reasonable, legal and effective. The price paid by the malcontents took the form of significant fines, frozen bank accounts, cancelled insurance policies, licences and permits, loss of capital investments and incomes, and jail time. Quite a price for three weeks of rowdy partying and fun-filled social malfeasance. And all for nothing. Sadly, the Emergencies Act was clearly justified.

Why did these ‘desperados’ buckle up and form this convoy? Was it to protest COVID restrictions at the border? Yes, but Canada’s restrictions were matched by the Americans’ restrictions a few days later. Why not then take the convoy to Washington? Truth is, 90% of truckers were already fully vaccinated, so that cause was over on day one.

As Mr. Trump used to say, “There were good people on both sides.” Yes, of course there were well-meaning and principled people who believed that the COVID threat was behind us and all the restrictions and maskings were heavy handed and random curtailing of our ‘freedoms’. But no one, not even truckers, have a right to claim superior knowledge over highly trained health experts who are bravely fulfilling their mandates to prevent as many deaths as possible.

And what to make of the fun-loving buffoons who mimic the American insanity of Jan. 6, 2021 by displaying swastikas, flying rebel flags and trampling on national hallowed ground? They are clearly not ‘fine people’! They have nothing to bring to the table. They have nothing to contribute to our understanding of democratic governance.

The Trudeau government acted to ensure security, to encourage prosperity, and to strengthen our democracy.

Opportunistic travellers like Mr. Barnes and Mr. Kenney who try to hitch their campaign wagons to the ‘Convoy Heroes’ need to go for a long, long ride of their own. Alone.

Peter Mueller

Medicine Hat

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2 years ago

Sad to see you paint us all with the same brush. The Emergency Act should never be used as the first action from the government. In the past the government did not have any issues sending representatives to meet with protesters and open dialog with them, in this case they refused to meet with them even a week before they arrived. The governments in-action to address this protest is why it carried on for three weeks. The use of the emergency act was never required as the laws already existed to fine and charge anyone not peacefully protesting. Plus three weeks was more than long enough time to get proper court orders and warrants to secure bank accounts legally. Total over-reach of power by JT, but that is what we expect as he was trying to impede our democracy as soon as the pandemic started and he is not ready to let go any time soon. Maybe in a couple years he will catch on and lower these mandates.