May 21st, 2024

Letter: Education for all means better world for all

By Letter to the Editor on June 22, 2021.

Dear editor,

Summer holidays: Woo hoo!

Pandemic or no pandemic, I know that children in Canada are ready for the warm weather and the change in routine, even while their parents are scrambling to figure out what to do to continue working.

Now consider children who do not have the advantage of school, who do not know the rhythm of the school year, who do not have *anything* to look forward to.

Keeping girls in school pays high dividends, according to the Global Partnership for Education, the World Bank Group, and other organizations devoted to the research into the effects of education on women.

If every girl received 12 years of schooling, girls’ higher lifetime earning would grow low-income economies an astounding US$30 trillion worldwide, and maternal deaths would decline by two-thirds.

If girls achieved universal secondary education, population growth could be reduced substantially.

We must keep our eye on the prize, and Canada must continue to support the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) by contributing CA$500 million over five years.

It would be fantastic for this beleaguered planet if children around the world had access to quality education during and after the pandemic, and they too, could look forward to the rhythms of the school year.

Connie Lebeau

Victoria, B.C.

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2 years ago

Great post, thanks for sharing it, I totally agree! Education is a very important part of our life, so the state is obliged to sponsor and support GPE in every possible way. I recently read free essays on this useful source about my favorite book, The Tell-Tale Heart, if you haven’t read it yet, I advise you to read the essay, as you will see a great analogy to our world and what is happening now.

Gaven Rank
Gaven Rank
2 years ago

I myself am in this educational system now, and I was a student until a year ago. I can tell you that it’s extremely difficult and it’s better not to even try if you don’t know where to get information. For example, I had to take three essays and written papers to the university. I was at a loss as to what to do, but then I found essays on Studentshare for each of these topics and this way I was able to come to all of this much easier. I hope I was able to help.