May 2nd, 2024

Letting people break the law is bad for the future

By Letter to the Editor on March 3, 2020.

I just had the word “anarchy” used in the same sentence with hereditary chiefs and railroad blockades. I confirmed the definition with Wikipedia.

So, the question that comes to mind is: Do the chiefs and their followers truly believe in lawlessness just for themselves and their pet ideas or do they believe that all of Canadian society should condone and accept anarchy and the defiance of established Canadian law?

Personally I would fear for my own and my family’s well-being if the rule of law is overtly and blatantly overturned and I couldn’t count on government and the police to enforce said laws.

There is nothing wrong with protesting. But is it not painfully obvious that breaking the law while doing so and getting away with such despicable behaviour is really bad for the future of Canada?

Keith Pearce

Medicine Hat

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4 years ago

Fed Up Dementia writes: Lougheed….Klein…..Klein …lougheed blah blah blah. I was almost run over once by a train driven by Klein when I was a Indian Chief back in the day saving tribes from the inquisition of the Reformers. Everyone are idiots that won’t believe in my horsesh!t!. Klein….Lougheed….Lougheed… Klein…idiot seniors. When I was the head of the RCMP and me and my sister’s best friends dog were rewriting the judicial system to outlaw Reformers, I thought I better throw something in there for my fellow First Nations. We ended up saving thousands of lives! The dog and I still laugh at that at coffee.

Less Laundry writes: Well said Al! Slurp slurp gaggle glug slurp! I just can’t believe you didn’t call me when you were saving the unwashed masses as you know I love a nice ego boost myself and a pat on my own back. Oh, well. back to chastising anyone who doesn’t think like us and think we should be entitled to everything everyone else has. Slurp gurggle.