March 28th, 2025

Politicians need to get back to plain talk

By Letter to the Editor on January 31, 2020.

Is it just me or have politicians in the last few years developed an aversion to plain language?

Premier Jason Kenney is “possibly” going to close or move provincially-funded drug dens; well are you or are you not or is this a hot topic you want to be associated with but do not want to get burned (pun intended) on?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is going to implement more gun control, then implement it in stages or maybe study it more or let the provinces deal with it or let the cities handle it or have the RCMP look into.

What on Earth are we paying these guys for? The public libraries are full of fiction, oh yeah right, the red tape reduction police are investigating fake news.

Meanwhile back at the farm Kenney is cutting off low-income folk from drug coverage and using the money to find a non-copyrighted logo for his war room. At least the weather warmed up.

Ian Parkinson

Medicine Hat

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