May 4th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink Jan. 2, 2020

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on January 1, 2020.

Ticked Off

Trudeau does not have two nannies. It’s only one she gets paid peanuts for 24/7 work. Renovations to the residence should of been done in the years during Harper but no one wants that burden on their heads cause they are estimated in the billions.

Tickled Pink

If the police could put a stop to the drug deals I think are going down in the parking lot of a coffee/doughnut shop downtown.

Ticked Off

When I go to a recreation facility to exercise I love the music. To the people who complain about it being loud, don’t be a stick in the mud.

Ticked Off

Sorry we had to shutdown all our lighting before Christmas this year but the city electrical utilities rate was just to horrendous.

Ticked Off

In eight months the UCP has managed to raise post secondary tuition, K-12 school fees, auto insurance rates, health costs including higher dental fees, drugs costs for seniors, municipal income taxes, and provincial income tax through deindexing. All this as unemployment numbers skyrocket and the deficit increases by billions.

Tickled Pink

That MLA Barnes, in his column in praise of Saskatchewan, found something positive to talk about other than his government’s No-Jobs Tax Cut, massive deficit, and the coming Kenney recession.

Ticked Off

It takes a genius government to intentionally create an insurance rate spike, then concoct a multi million dollar panel to investigate why the spike is happening. Still think they’re not swindling you?

Ticked Off

I find great humour regarding the current government blame game but the previous government got the mess from the PCs to begin with. The mayor pointed out 2012 was difficult on oil and gas, the PCs were in power then. Do I believe all the drastic cuts will impact every local business? Most definitely.

Ticked Off

There needs to be consequences to non-profit organizations whom dismiss employees from false allegations. Destroying good peoples’ self worth and mental health is the name of their game. I hope karma gets you

Ticked Off

George Thorogood a the Canalta Centre. A beautiful venue and we can’t get any big names to play it!

Tickled Pink

In the last federal election the left wing parties of the Liberals, NDP and BQ garnered 1.6 times as many votes as the right wing Conservatives. If the “lefties” joined forces, the “righties” won’t stand a chance.

Ticked Off

That my donation ended up in a manager’s office. It probably went home with her too. It was expensive.

Tickled Pink

When Christian extremists give to the poor, care for the infirm and love their neighbours as themselves.

Ticked Off

With immature 60 year olds at work.

Ticked Off

I am so sick of taxes going up every year. Then listening to dum reasons why. The amount of city units just driving around window shopping plus three men doing a one-man job.

Tickled Pink

When the so-called and self-proclaimed “experts” recognize that dangerous hormones and mutilating surgeries are not healthy therapies.

Tickled Pink

If we had a provincial police force to replace the one we have now in Alberta, that takes it’s orders from down east.

Ticked Off

Medicine Hat has to have some of the dumbest people this country has ever produced when it comes to driving!

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