March 28th, 2025

Like the Canada goose, the left and right wings of politics should work together

By Letter to the Editor on December 30, 2019.

Re: “More to Scheer’s resignation than Motz lets on,” Dec. 18.

Enough is enough, please!

Canadian geese are a wonderful sight to behold: Honking out their encouragements to each other as they fly in formation, white, black, and grey emblems of our beloved nation with their giant wings spread out in flight. Left and right wings working together to lift up the whole bird.

Let me say it again. Left and right wings working together.

When one wing doesn’t work, the bird can neither fly nor work the opposite wing properly. If the wings are not working in coordination, the bird stays on the ground. As someone who has lived in many areas where Canadian geese congregate on the ground it is not fun. Constant honking and hissing, and lots of fecal matter left randomly everywhere. A grounded Canadian goose is annoying to all; it belongs in the sky soaring, at its best.

Lately in the newspaper, both wings have been merely flapping, childishly insulting each other: “Lefties” are pushing their “agenda,” Glen Motz’s beliefs are swayed by “any BS that wafts by,” the list goes on. Our city and indeed nation is a goose with wings that are beginning to stop listening to each other or work together. So let me humbly suggest the opposite.

People on the left have gotten much climate science right, and wrong. People on the right are not automatically wrong about their views because they are religious. Neither wing is monolithic, always thinking and believing the exact same thing, and you will discover this to be irrefutable fact if you stop seeing the other as your foe in our society. Be beautiful, work with the other wing to lift the goose, not ground it, because right now both sides are acting like the part of the goose that the little green “cigars” come from.

Daniel Schnee

Medicine Hat

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