March 28th, 2025

Challenging others to walk

By Letter to the Editor on May 18, 2019.

My name is Roger Marple. I live with Alzheimer’s and I am happy to say, challenges aside, I’m still doing well.

News reporter Gillian Slade and I have done some positive articles about my journey with Alzheimer’s. The one thing I have learned is Medicine Hat people are pretty great about their perceptions and views towards dementia so I wanted to make sure everyone knows about an important event coming up.

Every year the Alzheimer Society hosts a fundraising walk here in Medicine Hat. This year it is on Friday, June 7. Many of you may know this and know about Alzheimer’s, but for those of you who don’t, I want to share some facts.

Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia have been identified as the No. 1 health concern in the world; no cure, and not one advancement for a treatment to slow down the disease has ben discovered; there is a 100% mortality rate for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia; every three seconds someone around the world is diagnosed with a form of dementia and it is estimated that another 50% go undiagnosed.

In Canada alone, in the next 10 or 15 years, cases of dementia will double. According to Stats Canada, three out of four people already have been touched by this disease in one way or the other. If dementia hasn’t touched your life to date, odds are it probably will. Does this give you an uneasy feeling? It sure does for me.

Back to the walk. Did you know your participation helps support the many programs and services at the Alzheimer Society? The Alzheimer Society also invests heavily in research. Your donation dollars will make a difference.

People tell me that there was great support for the walk in the past. I hope this year we can bring back the crowds. To the people living with dementia who are still able to go for a nice walk – where are you? To the hundreds of people who have been touched with this disease in some way and all the caring people in our community – where are you?

I challenge our mayor and town council to join me on the walk. If you’re not into fund-raising, come on by and show your support. The fee for the walk is nominal and it is an enjoyable walk. Your action creates this wonderful ripple effect. It’s a beautiful to see.

For those who are not into a Walk perhaps you could find it in your heart for a donation.

More information on the walk and on how you can help can be found at

Roger Marple

Medicine Hat

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