March 14th, 2025

MH Curling Club hosts Open Senior Bonspiel

By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on February 6, 2025.

Ed Gertner's team of Bob Biberdorf, Murray Campbell, Cliff Byanton and Gertner, the skip, won the Masters division of the Medicine Hat Curling Club's Open Senior Bonspiel last weekend.--SUBMITTED PHOTO

The Medicine Hat Curling Club hosted their annual open senior’s bonspiel over the weekend.

The weekend slate, which started Jan. 31 and wrapped up on Feb. 2, featured a senior division (50+) and a masters division (65+).

Ed Gertner’s team of Bob Biberdorf, Murray Campbell and Cliff Byanton was the Masters winner.

Glen Smeby’s team, featuring Jerry McGarry, Kelly Martin and Ron Wilson was the ‘B’ winner .

Skip Harvey Moch, with Delvin Moch, Tracy Lecuyer and Robert Jenson the ‘A’ winner.

Skip Sheila Rumberg won the ‘C’ division, with Jackie Schell, Bev Bichoff and Liz Unrau.

Team Stroh won the ‘D’ division, featuring Kevin Parhoniak, Nicole Stroh, Suzette Parhoniak and Andy Stroh (skip).

The Masters consolation was won by skip Terry-Lou Bailey’s team, with Clark Storle, Art Lecuyer and Norma Pederson.

The Medicine Hat Curling Club a learn and try event on Friday and on Feb. 14 for those interested in trying their hand at mixed doubles. The open house is free of charge with instructors available to help teach the game. Those interested for the 7 p.m. event can resister by emailing Manager Bryden Smith,

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