March 14th, 2025

Fire crews hone river rescue skills throughout week of training

By BRENDAN MILLER on January 29, 2025.

Firefighters are seen undergoing advanced ice and river safety training with instructors from Dynamic Rescue Systems in the South Saskatchewan River on Tuesday afternoon. Training exercises are expected to continue at local water bodies throughout the week.--NEWS PHOTOS BRENDAN MILLER

This week roughly half of all local firefighters will undergo advanced ice and river safety training, practising rescue techniques to ensure readiness for any cold water emergencies that can occur around the river, local lakes and ponds.

On Tuesday a crew of 12 firefighters and two training members with Dynamic Rescue Systems, embarked on a thin layer of ice on the banks of the South Saskatchewan River to practice life-saving techniques like saving a victim in the water, working with rapid deployment boats and extending the use of rescue equipment.

“This is as advanced training as we can get right now for surface ice rescue,” said Jason Labash, Station No. 1 platoon chief, who says training is done in-house throughout the entire winter.

Throughout the year all firefighters undergo several hours of training in river rescue and ice safety, however this week training will intensify as members work with regulated instructors who understand Medicine Hat’s winter climate.

“So throughout rivers and ponds, you’re going to see Medicine Hat firefighters training on the ice,” explains Labash. “We’re going to use different techniques, we’re just going to try and hone our skills It’s nice to have a governing body step in and just watch you and just bring your skills back up to the level they need to be, and maybe add a couple new tricks or try something new or just push in a direction that may benefit us.”

Specifically, Labash explains, firefighters are trying a new method to add insulation to their summer rescue diving equipment, allowing rescuers more flexibility in warmer winter conditions.

In the winter, divers wear a thermal rescue suit known as a Mustang Suit, able to withstand extreme cold, but it can be restrictive to mobility due to the heavy materials used to make them.

This week some local firefighters are attempting to wear additional thermal protection underneath their summer rescue diving suit to increase dexterity.

“Maybe we can conduct more efficient rescues,” explained LaBash. “The gloves are different, you can see those guys are able to paddle very well.”

Aside from some new adaptations, local first responders sharpened their river rescue skills on equipment they use during real-life rescues, and are able to simulate several scenarios involving victim extraction.

“We’ve got some boards here on the side that we use, we’ve got ropes, we’ve got rescue slings,” says LaBash, while explaining firefighters’ No. 1 priority is keeping a victim buoyant in the water to prevent immediate drowning.

“Once we can make them positively buoyant on their own, essentially that’s half the battle, and they are almost safe.”

Senior firefighter Ryan DePape says river ice can be deceptive and ice levels are constantly changing as it erodes from underneath the surface. He says there is no such thing as safe river ice.

“With the changes in temperatures, we’re not getting a good, solid, clear ice. So there’s going to be times where it freezes and thaws and melts,” explains DePape. “Then you kind of get this layered ice, so there’s no such thing as safe ice, just always be conscious of yourself when you’re out here.”

If you do happen to fall into icy water during the winter, LaBash says it’s important to keep your wits.

“You have about one minute where that cold water is going to be shocking your system, there are different reflexes that will cause you to aspirate, just try and control yourself, keep your head above the water and out of the ice,” says LaBash who recommends looking for the ice shelf you fell from.

“So we recommend you turn and try and go back the way you came, remember that ice was just supporting you, so hopefully it can hold you up now.”

LaBash says some people try to swim to shore, but that ice may not be able to support your body weight.

“So turn, find that solid ice shelf and catch your breath. You’ve got about 10 minutes where you can successfully attempt a self rescue.”

Labash says once you’ve caught your breath, get as horizontal as possible, kick your feet and get your belly button or belt line on the ice.

“Once you’re up about halfway out of the water, start to roll like a little kid again, roll to the hard parts of the ice and wait for help.”

This portion of advance ice rescue training will conclude Saturday.

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