March 9th, 2025

City briefs: road construction and free compost

By Medicine Hat News on June 8, 2024.

060824-Crews will restart paving operations on Dunmore Road on Monday, the city's municipal works dept. has announced. delays are expected until the completion later this month. -- News Photo Collin Gallant


Paving will resume on Dunmore Road on Monday for approximately three weeks, according to the city of Medicine Hat’s municipal works department.

Crews began milling on the major route last month and now hope to complete the resurfacing from Southview Drive north to the Shannon Bridge over the Seven Persons Creek by the end of July, weather permitting.

Free compost

The city’s solid waste division is again offering free compost to residents who are willing to pick it up on Saturday, June 8.

Two weeks ago, about 150 residents collected 12 tonnes of compost produced at the yard-waste composting facility at the city landfill free-of-charge.

Today, residents will be limited to 10 gallons per household of the material, branded as “SureGrow,” at the City’s Municipal Works parking lot at 188 Kipling Street between noon to 4 p.m., or as long as supplies last.

Citizens are responsible for shovels, containers and transportation.

Gone Fishin’

City parks department is offering a “Kids can catch” activity at the stocked pond at Echodale Regional Park on June 16, Father’s Day.

Youngsters can practise casting and reeling while learning about water safety and rainbow trout between 1 to 4 p.m.

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