February 28th, 2025

Nothing like Christmas through the eyes of a child

By Samantha Johnson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter on December 20, 2023.

Kindergarten students at Vincent Massey School - from left, Carys, Carter, Logan (blue shirt) and Rielly - chill in the school library beanbag chairs while talking to the News about Christmas.--NEWS PHOTO SAMANTHA JOHNSON


The News stopped by Vincent Massey School on Tuesday to talk to a few Kindergarten students about Christmas. Carys, Carter, Logan and Rielly were enthusiastic about discussing this exciting topic, with Carter and Reilly displaying the art of beanbag jumping before settling down to answer questions.

On Santa’s age, Carter decided he was simply old, while Logan thought he was closer to 35, Carys settled on 60 and Rielly decided 50 as definitely correct. At this point, Carter relayed a story about meeting Santa and added an unfortunate fact about Rudolph.

“The reindeer with the shiny nose had no battery in it and they were going to crash.” If Rudolph loses his light, then Carter says he wouldn’t be able to fly, and if he was flying when the light went out, he would fall out of the sky.

All four agreed Santa would make snow so he would be able to deliver presents on Christmas Eve.

“He’ll just have to make it snow by using his magic,” said Carys.

After some discussion, it was decided Harry Potter is one of Santa’s best friends.

“He’s a wizard and he can make snow out of his wand,” explained Rielly.

Carter hopes the Grinch doesn’t come to real life because that would scare him because he really likes his presents and wonders what they are.

“Back in the times, I got a spider present. You have to build it and it goes up and down your door.”

Logan added, “I hope the Grinch doesn’t steal everybody’s presents when it’s Christmas.”

Although Rielly chimed in with, “The Grinch actually isn’t real, he’s just in a movie.”

Carys decided if the Grinch stole all the presents, she would only be left with coal for herself, although making his heart grow is the key to success.

“In the movie at the end, it grows bigger and bigger and then he loves Christmas,” Carys explained. “It’s when he’s mean and then he takes all the presents and Santa leaves back to the North Pole. Make his heart grow by sharing stuff, giving him healthy food and hugs.”

Logan thought singing Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree would do the trick while also playing Lego with him and treating the Grinch as a friend.

Rielly said his elf on the shelf was bad this year and all elves will be receiving lumps of coal. Carys thought the elves at the North Pole would get presents and candy, although everything would be in tiny portions because the elves are so small.

Forgetting to leave cookies and milk before going to bed would result in Santa getting upset, according to Logan, who would hide them upstairs to have a better chance of meeting the big guy.

“If you don’t leave them out, he will just leave and not care about it and then ask Mrs. Claus to bake him some,” added Carys.

For final thoughts on Christmas, Rielly shared, “If you are naughty, Santa won’t like it and then he gives you lots of lumps of coal.”

“If you give him lots of cookies, he will give you lots of money,” stated Logan before adding his favourite part about Christmas is making a gingerbread house and then displayed the gingerbread-men socks he was wearing.

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