February 23rd, 2025

MHPS makes photo radar easier to spot

By KENDALL KING on March 31, 2023.

MHPS is promoting the 'Drive Safe' message with its new photo radar vehicle and remote box signage.--SUBMITTED PHOTO


Medicine Hat Police Service is enhancing the visibility of photo radar vehicles and remote boxes in a bid to increase public consciousness about safe driving.

The service decided earlier this year it would apply new signage to its photo radar equipment, going above and beyond what’s required by provincial guidelines.

“We previously, according to the provincial regulations in regards to the photo radar vehicles, had to have certain signage of certain sizes, and we did that, we comply with that,” MHPS traffic unit Sgt. Stacey Fishley told the News. “But then, when Chief Murphy came in as the leader of MHPS, we decided to go a different route.

“So now, we’ve got a lot bigger and more visible signage, which is bright green in colour with larger lettering (which reads) ‘Drive Safe’ on all four sides of the vehicle … We also put the bright green signage on the photo radar box as well.”

Fishley says the move was inspired by Edmonton and Calgary’s police services, both of which have previously implemented similar signage in 2019 and 2022, respectively.

“We’re hoping that with the visibility of the vehicles, it’ll change the attitude of some drivers, so they’ll see it and they’ll realize where they are and that they need to slow down in order to avoid receiving a violation ticket,” said Fishley. “(Therefore) making it safer in the community.”

The new signage was applied to MHPS’s photo radar vehicle earlier this month, and will be applied to the two remote boxes as soon as temperatures warm.

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