February 12th, 2025

Author hopes to help Hatters better relationships

By KENDALL KING on December 3, 2022.

Lethbridge author Brent Taylor is excited to host a book signing in Medicine Hat on Dec. 10 from 12-4 p.m. at Unlimited Characters book store on Dunrmore Road.--SUBMITTED PHOTO


Lethbridge author and relationship coach Brent Taylor is hoping to connect with Hatters during his upcoming Medicine Hat book signing, taking place Dec. 10 from 12-4 p.m. at Unlimited Characters book store on Dunmore Road.

Author of the 2017 book Hiz and Herz Greatest Need: The Single Biggest Reason Why Marriages Breakdown and How to Build Them Up, Taylor says he not only wants to share his work with a larger audience, but also hopes to aid Hatters in creating stronger relationships.

“My passion has been to help men and women truly understand the greatest need that each one of them has,” Taylor told the News. “So, there’s a whole bunch of things that I help them to understand and to communicate through my book. And most importantly, I help them to really get their hearts and motives straight. Because most of us have a (mentality rooted in the question of) ‘What you can do for me?’ versus ‘What can I do for you?'”

Twice divorced himself, Taylor explores the lessons behind his own relationships throughout the book, while also drawing on expert relationship theory.

“We judge others by their actions or behaviours, but we judge ourselves by our intentions,” said Taylor. “And we need to flip that. We need to judge others by their intention and give them the benefit of the doubt because what husband and wife really wake up in the morning with the intention of hurting each other?”

As well as sharing his 2017 book, Taylor will also be handing out copies of his newly published mini book – 7 Opposite Ways Man and Woman Attract, Complement and Complete – to anyone who provides a donation to Medicine Hat Women’s Shelter Society.

“My mini book it’s 49 pages (and it explores) the biggest misunderstanding about sex and unity,” said Taylor. “And about how men and women are exactly the opposite when it comes to sex and unity – which is probably the biggest breakdown of all marriages.”

Taylor hopes the information he provides in both books will be helpful for individuals of all ages and relationship statuses, and welcomes Hatters who have both read his books before, as well as those who have not, to come to the signing.

More information about Taylor and his work can be found on http://www.hizandherz.ca.

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