March 13th, 2025

Only 4,231 Brooks-MH residents cast advance vote

By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on November 8, 2022.

Turnout at the advance polls for the Brooks-Medicine Hat byelection was well under half the level of the 2019 general election.--SUPPLIED IMAGE

About half the number of voters in the region took part in advance voting last week compared to the 2019 general election, according to figures released Monday by Elections Alberta.

A total of 4,231 ballots were cast over five days at locations in Redcliff, Brooks and Bassano ahead of general voting today.

That equates to about 12 per cent of eligible voters in the Brooks-Medicine Hat riding, which is considered to have 34,060 eligible voters.

That compares to 30 per cent who cast an early vote in 2019, when overall turnout reached 65.4 per cent, just below the provincial average.

The byelection concludes today with voting from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. at assigned locations noted on voter information cards sent by mail last week, or which can be found on

Adults who live in the Cypress-Medicine Hat riding, which lays south of Third Street and Gershaw Drive in Medicine Hat, are not eligible to vote.

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