February 22nd, 2025

AMAC and Waves swim clubs compete at local meet

By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on November 29, 2023.


The Alberta Marlin Aquatic club hosted the “AMAC Fall Invitational” this past weekend at the Big Marble Go Centre.

Swimmers from Fernie, Lethbridge, Okotoks and Swift Current swam as well as members of the AMAC and Waves swim club.

The top-10 local results are as follows:

Waves Swim Club

Quinn Baht finished fifth in 200m Free, eighth in 50m Backstroke and ninth in 50m Fly.

Sophie Baht finished second in 100m Breast and 200m Breast, fourth in 200m IM, fifth in 50m Fly, 50m Backstroke and 200m Free and seventh in 100m Free.

Matthew Daley finished first in 50m Breast, fifth in 100m Breast and 50m Fly, sixth in 200m Free, seventh in 50m Free and ninth in 100m Free and 50m Back.

Kaden Goffinet finished second inn 200m Breast, 400m Free and 800m Free, thrid in 50m Breast, fourth in 100m Breast and 100m Free and sixth in 50m Free.

Owen Gracie finished second in 50m Breast and 200m Breast, third in 200m Free, fourth in 100m Breast, sixth in 100m Free and eighth in 50m Back and 50m Free.

Wyatt Hooke finished seventh in three events, 50m Fly, 100m Free and 100m Breast and 10th in 50m back.

Elizabeth Humphreys finished first in 200m IM, second in 100m Fly and eighth in 50m Free and 50m Fly.

Campbell Kletzel finished sixth in 50m Breast.

Maja Kolodziej finished second in 200m IM, third in 200m Back and 400m Free, fourth in 50m Back and 200m Free and fifth in 50m Free and 100m Free.

Sarah Kradovill finished first in 100m Free, 100m Fly, 200m Free and 800m Free, second in 100m Breast and 200m Breast and third in 50m Back.

McKenna Lux finished eighth in 100m Breast.

Caleb Martin finished fifth in 200m Free, ninth in 100m Free and 10th in 50m Free.

Avery McDonald finished fourth in 100m Breast and 200m Free.

Isabel Miller won four races, taking first in 50m Breast, 100m Breast, 200m breast and 200m IM, second in 100m Free and third in both 50m Back and 50m Free.

William Miller finished first in 400m IM, 400m Free and 800m Free, second in 100m Back and 200m Back, fourth in 50m Free and fifth in 50m Back.

Lucy Pattison finished second in 200m Breast, seventh in 50m Breast and 10th in 100m Breast.

Ryes Pattison finished second in 200m IM and 200m Breast, fourth in 50m Breast, sixth in 100m Breast and 10th in 50m Fly.

Kage Senft won five events, finishing first in 50m Fly, 50m Back, 100m Free, 200m IM and 200m Free and took second in 100m Fly.

Karsten Senft finished third in 50m Back and third in 50m Breast, 50m Free, 50m Fly and 100m Free.

Connor Tweten finished first in 200m Breast, fourth in 100m Breast and 200m Free and sixth in 50m Breast.

Oliver Tweten took third in 200m Breast.

Isabel Unreiner finished second in 200m IM and 10th in 100m Free.

Olivia Willberg finished seventh in 50m Breast and 200m IM.

AMAC Swim Club

Female 10 and under

Carleigh Gainsborough (10): Finished third in 50m Breast, fifth in 50m Back and 50m Breast, sixth in 50m Fly, 100m Back, eighth in 50m Free and ninth in 100m Free.

Isabelle McWilliams (9): Finished ninth in 100m Back and 10th in 50m Back.

Olivia McWilliams (10): Finished first in 200m Back, second in 100m Back and 100m Breast, third in 200m Free and sixth in 50m Free and 100m Free.

Maria Robinson (10): Finished ninth in 100m Breast and 10th in 50m Fly.

Marsha Van Der Merwe (8): Finished fifth in 50m Fly, seventh in 100m Breast and 10th in 50m Free.

Female 11-12 year old

Nayla Berg (11): Finished first in 200m Breast, ninth in 50m Fly and 10th in 100m Breast.

Lauren Gainsborough (12): Finished first in 50m Breast, 50m Fly, 100m Fly, 100m Breast and 200m IM, fourth in 400m Free and sixth in 100m Free.

Estelle Grisak (12): Finished first in 200m Back, second in 100m Free and 400m Free, third in 100m Back and 200m Free, fourth in 50m Free and eighth in 50m Fly.

Breagh Kohlman (11): Finished second in 50m Breast, third in 100m Breast, fifth 100m back, sixth in 50m Fly and seventh in 50m Back.

Charlotte Kurpjuweit (11): Finished eighth in 200m Free and 10th in 50m breast and 50m Back.

Olivia Liebenberg (11): Finished sixth in 200m Free, ninth in 50m Back and 10th in 50m Free and 100m Breast.

Lily McWilliams (12): Finished first in six events, 50m Back, 50m Free, 100m Free, 200m Free, 400m Free and 800m Free and third in 50m Fly.

Holly Mulligan (11): Finished eighth in 100m Back.

Female 13-14 year old

Aydria Berg (14): Finished third in 50m Breast and 100m Breast, fourth in 400m Free, ninth in 200m Free and 10th in 50m Fly.

Jordan Hill (14): Finished fifth in 200m Back and ninth in 100m Free.

Teagan Hollingworth (14): Finished third in 400m Free, seventh in 100m Free, ninth in 50m Free and 10th in 50m Back and 200m Free.

Jordyn Nikiel (13): Finished second in 400m Free, third in 50m Free, fifth in 200m Free and ninth in 50m Back and 100m Back.

Aliya Seeley (13): Finished first in 400m Free and 400m IM, second in 800m Free, third in 200m Back, fourth in 100m Free and 200m Free, seventh in 50m Free and ninth in 50m Fly.

Female 15 and over

Abigail Begin (15): Finished second in 200m Back, fourth in 100m Free and 200m IM, seventh in 50m Back and eighth in 50m Breast.

Rowynn Biffart (15): Finished first in six events, 50m Breast, 50m Fly, 100m Breast, 200m IM, 200m Breast, 400m Free and second in 50m Back.

Morgan Hobson (15): Finished second in 50m Breast, 100m Back and 200m Breast, third in 50m Fly and 100m Breast, fourth in 400m Free and ninth in 50m Back.

Jocelyn Macphail (17): Finished first in 50m Free, second in 50m Fly and 100m Free, third in 400m Free, fifth in 50m Back and 10th in 50m Breast.

Sara McFadyen (17): Finished third in 200m Free, fourth in 50m Free, fifth in 50m Fly and 400m free, eighth in 100m Free and ninth in 50m Breast.

Male 11 and under

Gage Anderson (11): Finished first in all eight races, 50m Back, 50m Free, 50m Fly, 100m Back, 200m Back, 200m Free, 400m Free and 800m Free.

Piercyn Berg (9): Finished eighth in 100m Breast.

Rixtonn Biffart (9): Finished seventh in 50m Free and 100m Back, eighth in 50m Fly, ninth in 50m back and 100m Breast and 10th in 100m Free.

Jack Mulligan (11): Finished second in 50m Breast, third in 100m Free and 100m Breast, fourth in 50m Free, sixth in 100m Back, seventh in 50m back and ninth in 50m Fly.

Austin Seeley (10): Finished seventh in 50m Breast and 100m breast.

Izaak Smith (11): Finished second in 100m Breast, third in 50m Fly, fifth in 100m Free, ninth in 50m Free and 10th in 100m Back.

Male 12-13 year old

Masao Mori (12): Finished first in five events, 100m Back, 100m Fly, 200m Fly, 200m IM, 400m IM and second in 100m Breast.

Zachary Pillibeit (12): Finished fifth in 100m Back, sixth in 200m Free, ninth in 50m Back and 100m Free and 10th in 50m Free.

Micah Smith (13): Finished first in 400m Free, second in 200m Free, fourth in 100m Free and seventh in 50m Free, 50m Fly and 50m Back.

Male 14-15 year old

Westin Endres (15): Finished third in 100m Breast and 100m Free and fourth in 50m Breast, 50m Free and 400m Free.

Wyatt Gage (14): Finished third in 50m Free, fourth in 50m Fly and 200m Free, fifth in 50m Breast and 100m Free and seventh in 50m Back and 100m Breast.

Caen McWilliams (14): Finished first in 100m Back, 200m Back and 1,500 Back, second in 50m Free and 200m Free and third in 50m Back and 50m Fly.

Leo Yonkman (14): Finished fourth in 100m Back, fifth in 200m Free and 400m Free, seventh in 50m Fly and 100m Free and eighth in 50m Back and 100m Breast.

Male 16 and over

Johnathan Marshall (16): Finished second in 50m Fly, 50m Breast and 50m Back and fourth in 50m Free and 100m Free,

Next up for AMAC is the Sandy Ferris Age Group Challenge in December.

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