February 25th, 2025

MH tennis club offering try-it event this weekend

By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on April 13, 2023.


The Medicine Hat Tennis Club is serving up an introductory event this Saturday for interested athletes.

The local club will have its courts open Saturday from 1-3 p.m. for an event offering any interested players the opportunity to learn different tennis skills at a variety of stations, with club members on hand to lead activities and answer any questions.

Tennis racquets and balls are provided and childcare is available free of charge.

“This is a great opportunity for adults who are interested in the game but haven’t had a chance to take that first step,” said club general manager Ken Clement in a press release. “Our Try Tennis event allows them to learn the basics in a relaxed environment, meet new people and experience our tennis community.”

The Try Tennis event is geared toward players ages 18-45 with a social event to follow. The club is located at 1711 21st Street SE.

The MHTC’s season opens May 1 with club league and lessons programs, more information can be found on the club’s website medicinehattennisclub.com.

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