March 14th, 2025

Desert Blume Ladies League a hit

By Mo Cranker on September 19, 2017.

The Desert Blume Ladies League wrapped up its first year of operations while accepting full-time sponsors, and one of the group’s organizers says she could not be happier with how the season went.

“It’s been phenomenal,” said Sue Sallis. “We’re so happy with how our year went. It started out with Chris Paskin of Desert Blume suggesting that we try and get some sponsors for our league. We said ‘no way,’ as that sounded like it would involve a lot of work and we really just wanted to golf and have fun. However it was only a quick decision to say what the heck let’s try it.”

After deciding the group wanted to purchase pink flags for the league, the women realized they would need some financial help to grow the league.

“We had to buy all 18 pink flags at once, and that’s when we realized we were going to need some help,” she said. “When we reached out to sponsors, we were amazed at how many were so eager to support the league. Within a week we had all 18 flags sponsored by a business — the support has been amazing.”

With a year under the group’s belt, Sallis says she has heard nothing but positive feedback from the golfers.

“From what I’ve seen and heard, people have really enjoyed the league,” she said. “We’ve had a few nights where people have sent a bottle of wine to our table, or have just come up and told us they’re having a great time. We’re happy to organize it for everyone. We’re definitely going to be holding it again next year, and for years down the road.”

Now at 103 golfers, the league is not quite yet at capacity, says Sallis.

“We’re not quite sure how many ladies we want to stop at,” she said. “One of my favourite things about the league right now is that we’re able to finish around 7 p.m. and then eat after. If we have too big of a number, things can start to drag on a bit. I think 120 would be a pretty good number to keep as our max.”

For more information on the Desert Blume Ladies League go to its Facebook page,

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