October 17th, 2024

Prosecutors play audio of Hunter Biden reading his memoir to set scene at his federal gun trial

By Randall Chase, Claudia Lauer Colleen Long And Michael Kunzelman, The Associated Press on June 4, 2024.

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) – Federal prosecutors on Tuesday painted President Joe Biden’s son Hunter as deceptive and driven by addiction, a man whose dark habits ensnared loved ones and who knew what he was doing when he lied on federal forms to purchase a gun in 2018.

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden’s attorney argued that his client did not believe he had a drug problem when he stated in the paperwork that he was not in the throes of addiction. Prosecutors, the attorney said, must prove he knowingly violated the law.

“You will see that he is not guilty,” attorney Abbe Lowell said in opening statements.

Hunter Biden has been charged with three felonies stemming from the purchase of the Colt revolver when he was, according to his memoir, addicted to crack. He has been accused of lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, making a false claim on the application by saying he was not a drug user and illegally having the gun for 11 days.

The case is dredging up painful memories for the president and his family, and revealing new and highly personal details about their struggles as the 2024 election looms, all while the first lady and Hunter Biden’s sister Ashley watch from the front row of the courtroom.

Jurors will hear testimony from the president’s brother James Biden, who is close with Hunter and helped his nephew through rehab stints in the past. They will also hear how Hallie Biden, the widow of the president’s late son, also became addicted to crack during a brief relationship with Hunter. She took the gun from Hunter Biden and tossed it into the garbage at a nearby market, afraid of what he might do with it. The gun was later found by someone collecting cans and eventually turned over to police.

The president was in Washington as the opening statements were delivered. He announced an immigration order and hosted a picnic for congressional leaders before a scheduled departure for France later in the day. He will be gone the rest of the week. First lady Jill Biden planned to meet him in Europe.

The president’s allies are worried about the toll the trial may take on the elder Biden, who’s long been protective and deeply concerned about his only living son and his sobriety and who must now watch as his son’s past mistakes are publicly scrutinized. And the president must do so while he’s campaigning under anemic poll numbers and preparing for an upcoming presidential debate with Trump.

Prosecutors set the stage for their case by playing for jurors audio excerpts of his 2021 memoir “Beautiful Things” in which Hunter, in his own narration, talks about about going back to Delaware around the time of the gun purchase and his descent into drugs following the death of his brother, Beau, in 2015 from cancer.

Prosecutor Derek Hines told the jury in his opening statement that Hunter Biden was trying to score drugs just days after he lied on the form, telling his brother’s widow in a message that he was waiting for a drug dealer.

“No one is allowed to lie on a federal form like that, even Hunter Biden,” Hines said. “He crossed the line when he chose to buy a gun and lied about a federal background check … the defendant’s choice to buy a gun is why we are here.”

“When the defendant filled out that form, he knew he was a drug addict,” and prosecutors don’t have to prove he was using that day, Hines said.

Hines added: “Addiction is depressing,” but Hunter Biden’s addiction isn’t the reason for the case.

The proceedings come after the collapse of a deal with prosecutors that would have avoided the spectacle of a trial so close to the 2024 election. Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty and has argued he’s being unfairly targeted by the Justice Department after Republicans decried the now-defunct plea deal as special treatment for the Democratic president’s son.

Lowell said the form asks whether you “are” a drug user. “It does not say “˜have you ever been,'” and he suggested the president’s son did not think of himself as someone with a drug problem when he purchased the gun.

His state of mind should be considered at the time of the purchase, not “what he wrote in a book in 2021.”

Lowell also blamed Hunter’s problems with the firearm on Hallie’s disposal of it.

“After he bought the gun, Hunter did nothing with it,” Lowell said. The gun became a problem only because of what Hallie Biden did.

Lowell cautioned the jury that their duty was solemn and reminded them: “The charges against Hunter are not minor. They are serious.”

The trial is unfolding just days after Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, was convicted of 34 felonies in New York City. The two criminal cases are unrelated, but their proximity underscores how the courts have taken center stage during the 2024 campaign.

Jury selection moved at a clip Monday in the president’s home state, where Hunter Biden grew up and where the family is deeply established. Joe Biden spent 36 years as a senator in Delaware, commuting daily to Washington.

People there are familiar with how Biden’s two young sons were injured in the car accident that killed his wife and baby girl in the early 1970s. And Beau Biden was the former state attorney general before he died at age 46 from cancer.

Hunter Biden also faces a trial in California in September on charges of failing to pay $1.4 million in taxes. Both cases were to have been resolved through the deal with prosecutors last July, the culmination of a yearslong investigation into his business dealings.

But Judge Maryellen Noreika, who was nominated to the bench by Trump, questioned some unusual aspects of the deal, which included a proposed guilty plea to misdemeanor offenses to resolve the tax crimes and a diversion agreement on the gun charge, which meant as long as he stayed out of trouble for two years the case would be dismissed.

The lawyers could not come to a resolution on her questions, and the deal fell apart. Attorney General Merrick Garland then appointed the top investigator, a former U.S. attorney for Delaware, David Weiss, as a special counsel in August, and a month later Hunter Biden was indicted.

Garland on Tuesday faced members of the Republican-led House Judiciary Committee in Washington, which has been investigating the president and his family and whose chairman has been at the forefront of a stalled impeachment inquiry stemming from Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

If convicted, he could face up to 25 years in prison, though first-time offenders do not get anywhere near the maximum, and it’s unclear whether the judge would give him time behind bars.


Long reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Alanna Durkin Richer in Washington and Fatima Hussein aboard Air Force One contributed to this report.


Follow the AP’s coverage of Hunter Biden at https://apnews.com/hub/hunter-biden.

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