October 23rd, 2024

Nenshi says he’s ready to go if Smith wants to vacate a Calgary seat

By Al Beeber - Lethbridge Herald on October 23, 2024.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDabeeber@lethbridgeherald.com

If Danielle Smith wants to vacate one of her seats in Calgary, Naheed Nenshi says he’s ready to face voters in a byelection.
The leader of the NDP said Tuesday that the Alberta Legislature meets less than almost any other in North America and he’s in no rush to get a seat.
But when the opportunity arises, Nenshi says he will jump at it.
On Monday, while campaigning with UCP candidate for Lethbridge West John Middleton-Hope premier Danielle Smith told media at Heritage Point Park in answer to questions that in the interests of taxpayers “it would be nice to have both of those byelections at the same time,” referring to the Lethbridge one and one so Nenshi could serve in the legislature.
“We are happy to call an election if they can find someone who will step down for him,” said the premier adding “it’s a lot easier to have two byelections at once rather than do this one and then in a couple of months do another one. If he wants to get into the legislature, now’s the time to do it.”
Smith added that Nenshi has an obligation to get elected to debate policy.
The premier has six months to call an election for a vacant riding which means one has to be called for West Lethbridge by Jan. 1 since NDP MLA Shannon Phillips vacated the seat on July 1.
Nenshi on Tuesday in a phone interview from Edmonton during a break from a caucus meeting said “if she wants to create a vacancy for me in Calgary I’d be thrilled. She’s got a whole bunch of super underperforming ministers so she should really take the opportunity to get rid of one of them and give me a chance.”
“How many months did she delay the byelection in Calgary Elbow because she didn’t want to get a seat when she became the premier? I feel that particular riding was held vacant for over nine months. So hypocrisy, thy name is Danielle,” said Nenshi.
“The legislature sits less than almost any legislature in North America and maybe she really enjoys the theatrics of being in the legislature 10 minutes of Question Period every day. I have a wonderful, brilliant caucus who knows how to manage themselves in the house. They don’t need me directing me and making sure they don’t say anything dumb that her caucus might need her for.
“So when the opportunity presents itself, we will jump in. But I’m not going to, as she did, bribe a candidate to step aside from what is their lifestream to serve as an MLA just so I can get a seat and be in Question Period. That’s not what Albertans want, that’s not their priorities, I’m working hard on healthcare and education and affordability as much as I can. Maybe that’s not how politics is done on the conservative side where you get someone to step aside and give them a cushy job in return which is what the premier did,” said Nenshi.
High River resident Smith, who won leadership of the UCP on Oct. 6, 2022 and assumed the role of premier, was elected as MLA for Brooks-Medicine Hat in a byelection on Nov. 8 of that year.
The NDP leader said “I’m not going to a place where I visit once or twice a year. Every Albertan in every community deserves an MLA who is dedicated to them,” added the party leader.
“If an opportunity presents itself in Calgary or Edmonton, the two cities where I spend much of my time, I would be happy to pursue that opportunity but as I say if Danielle Smith really, really wants me in the legislature she can get rid of one her underperforming cabinet ministers in Calgary and I’d be happy to run.”
The Alberta legislature meets four or five weeks in the autumn, basically the month of November and in spring, up to 10 weeks, said Nenshi, who pointed out while party leader, he’s not the leader of the Opposition, that role which is filled by Christina Gray, MLA for the Edmonton riding of Mill Woods who the leader appointed in his first job as leader.
The legislature starts its fall session on Monday and Nenshi anticipates it will end by Dec. 5.
“I call it leading from the lobby,” said Nenshi of his work.
“I’ll be there at the legislature, sitting in the visitors gallery, just not on the floor. But let’s remember as did Jason Kenney, as did Danielle Smith. It’s not uncommon,” the party leader added.
The NDP has a 37-member caucus, “hopefully 38 when she calls the byelection in Lethbridge because the people of Lethbridge can’t be left waiting for her political games. They deserve an MLA sooner rather than later and we’re ready to go. We’ve got a terrific candidate, we’ve got a great campaign team on the ground, hundreds and hundreds of volunteers.”
He said the UCP is using a lot of resources this week in Lethbridge with its caucus meeting and doing door-knocking for Middleton-Hope.
“They’re using lots of government resources to attempt to win this seat in Lethbridge because they can do that before they call the election. They’re stalling but the stalling doesn’t really serve anybody and it certainly doesn’t get the people of Lethbridge a representative,” he added.
“We’re all ready to go,” said Nenshi.

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