February 24th, 2025

Alberta has fifth highest lifespan, says study

By Al Beeber - Lethbridge Herald on August 7, 2024.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDabeeber@lethbridgeherald.com

Want to live the longest life possible? You’re in the wrong province, according to a study.
The study by a Toronto law firm, says residents of Quebec have the longest average lifespan in Canada of 82.48 years for both sexes.
Second on the list is Ontario at 81.82, followed by Prince Edward Island at 81.65 and B.C. at 81.46
Alberta is fifth on the list with an average expected lifespan of 80.22 years with males having a life expectancy of 77.91 years and women 82.64. Neighbouring Saskatchewan is 11th with an average lifespan of 78.49 years.
Nunavut has the lowest average lifespan of 71.67 years (68.86 years for males and 74.35 for females).
“The study highlights shows that areas like Quebec and Ontario seemingly prioritize medical care services, making them top choices for residents who want to focus on their health and live longer,” says the firm behind the study.
“In contrast, the lower life expectancy in Nunavut emphasizes the urgent need to address healthcare access in remote communities. Studies such as this are essential for better understanding the disparities across Canada, ensuring that areas needing improved healthcare receive the support they require.”
The latest available figures show that as a whole the life expectancy in Canada is 83.11 years, up from 82.96 a year ago. The U.S. has an expectancy of 79.25 years.

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