February 26th, 2025

Hyggen comments on needs assessment report

By Al Beeber - Lethbridge Herald on March 22, 2024.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDabeeber@lethbridgeherald.com

Mayor Blaine Hyggen has issued a statement regarding a presentation made to the Social and Safety Standing Policy committee of city council Thursday on an Indigenous Womens Needs Assessment.
“The needs assessment report was a tough read, but an important one. It highlights the opportunities we have to do better and provides recommendations on how to get there. One positive outcome we’ve seen since this report was finalized is the valuable partnership work the Blood Tribe Department of Health and the Government of Alberta have been doing with the shelter,’ said Hyggen.
“The supports and resources for at-risk Indigenous people in the community have improved thanks to their involvement. It is also encouraging to see that this work aligns with the recommendations made by Dr. Weasel Head and helps confirm we’re on the right path forward.
“We look forward to learning more and continuing this important work and improving outcomes for Indigenous women and girls in Lethbridge,” added the mayor.
Hyggen says for the past five years city council has been working to understand how it can do its part in providing better supports for Indigenous women and girls in Lethbridge.
At the direction of council, the report by Gabrielle Weasel Head, forms part of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women’s and Girls (MMIWG) Workplan that council approved in 2021.
The final 53-page report was submitted in December of 2022 to the City of Lethbridge Indigenous Relations office.

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